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响应面法优化紫苏子中迷迭香酸超声提取工艺探究   摘 要 目的:优选紫苏子中迷迭香酸的超声提取工艺。方法:在单因素试验基础上,以超声功率、乙醇浓度、提取时间为考察因素,以迷迭香酸提取率为考察指标,利用Design-Expert 7.0进行三因素三水平响应面分析优选工艺条件。结果:最佳提取工艺为:超声功率380 W、乙醇浓度60%、提取时间85 min,模型相关系数R2=0.960 2,该条件下迷迭香酸平均提取率为0.59%。结论:该提取工艺可为进一步开发紫苏子药用价值提供依据 关键词 紫苏子 迷迭香酸 响应面 超声提取 中图分类号:R284.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2017)07-0075-04 Optimization of the ultrasonic extraction of rosmarinic acid from Perillae fructus by response surface method* ZHANG Yueli1,2**, SUN Rendi1,2(1. Shanghai Green Valley Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.; 2. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Compound Chinese Medicine (Green Valley), Shanghai 201707, China) ABSTRACT Objective: To optimize the process for the ultrasonic extraction of rosmarinic acid from Perillae fructus by response surface method. Methods: The process was optimized by response surface method with three factors and three levels including ultrasonic power, ethanol concentration and extracting time and taking the extraction yield of rosmarinic acid as a final index based on single factor test. Results: The optimum extraction process of rosmarinic acid from Perillae fructus was obtained and 0.59% extraction yield could be achieved under the conditions of ultrasonic power 380 W, 60% ethanol and 85 minutes extraction and the coefficient of association was R2=0.960 2. Conclusion: This process for the extraction of rosmarinic acid from Perillae fructus can provide the basis for the further development of medicinal value of Perillae fructus. KEY WORDS Perillae fructus; rosmarinic acid; response surface method; ultrasonic extraction 紫苏子为唇形科植物紫苏(Perilla frutescens L. Britt.)的干燥成熟果实,味辛,性温。归肺经[1]。具有降气消痰、止咳平喘、润肠等功效[2]。紫苏药食同源,作为一种多用途的经济植物,紫苏的研究与应用十分广泛,研究表明,紫苏子除含有大量脂肪油外,还含有种类齐全的氨基酸和矿质元素[3],药理研究表明其具有降血脂、促进学习记忆、抗衰老、止咳平喘等作用[4],目前国内对紫苏子非脂溶性成分研究较少,而迷迭香酸(rosmarinic acid)作为紫苏子的指标成分[5-6],具有强而广泛的生物活性,主要体现在抗氧化、抗菌、消炎、抑制酶活性、抗过敏等方面[7]。本研究采用响应面设计优化紫苏子迷迭香酸超声提取工艺,为紫苏子非脂溶性成分的利用提供研究基础,为进一步开发紫苏子药用价值提供依据 1 材料和方法 1.1 仪器与试药 1200高效液相色谱仪(美国Agilent);KQ-500DE数控超


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