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—Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis Franz Kafka “ one of the most influential authors of the 20th century” the Dante of the twentieth century the famous expressionist writer, themes and archetypes include alienation, physical and psychological brutality, characters on a terrifying quest, and mystical transformation. Born into a middle-class, German-speaking?Jewish?family Life Franz Kafka works 《变形记》 The Metamorphosis 《判决》 Das Urteil 《在流放地》 In der Strafkolonie) 《观察》 Betrachtung 《乡村医生》 Ein Landarzt) 《饥饿艺术家》 Ein Hungerkünstler 《失踪者》 Der Verschollene 《诉讼》 Der Proze? 《城堡》 Das Schlo? 《变形记》创作于1912年,发表于1915年。1914-1918年的第一次世界大战,使歌舞升平的欧洲大陆变成杀声震天的战场。许多资本主义国家经济萧条,社会动荡,使得人们对资本主义社会失去信心,一方面寻求出路,锐意改革,一方面又陷于孤独、颓废、绝望。十九世纪末二十世纪初,一些思想敏锐的艺术家认为世界是混乱的、荒诞的,纷纷著书立说,批判资本主义的人际关系,批判摧残人性的社会制度。 Franz Kafka Background 艺术家通过作品着重表现内心的情感,而忽视对描写对象形式的摹写,表现为对现实扭曲和抽象化。 重视主观世界,特别是精神、情绪、思想的赤裸的强烈的呈露。他们不重视对外在客观事物的忠实描绘,而要求突破事物的表象而表现事物内在的实质 “艺术是表现而不是再现”,“不是现实,而是精神”,艺术表现的任务在于表现主观的真实,内在的本质和永恒的品格 夸张、扭曲、变形、荒诞 表现主义 Characters Gregor Samsa Grete Samsa Mr. Samsa Mrs. Samsa The Metamorphosis Main plots Part I One day, Gregor wakes up to find himself transformed into a giant insect Part II Gregor became a beetle living habits, but retains human consciousness. He still concerns about how to send his sister to the conservatory to pursue violin lessons, how to repay the debt. Part III His sister now become tired of taking care of Gregor and tells her parents they must get rid of Gregor. Gregor understand and slowly moves back to the bedroom. There, determined to rid his family of his presence, Gregor dies. physical(Gregor) (Person is not machine) Two transformations Human beings relationship is not money) psychological(family members) “啊,天哪,”他想“我挑上了一件


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