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Lesson two Basic principles of plant design New words: elegance高雅,典雅,优雅,雅致 monotony单音,单调 spark发动,鼓舞 spice调味品,趣味,情趣 sparingly节俭地,保守地 subtle狡猾的,敏感的,精细的 symmetrical对称的,均匀的 asymmetric不对称的,不均匀的 mirror image镜像 foreground前景,最显著的位置 soothe使(某人,其神经,其情绪)平静,安慰,使(痛苦,疼痛)缓和或减轻 leeward在下风方向的,下风 screen out筛选出 meander漫步,弯曲,曲流;漫步,蜿蜒而流 meaningless无意义的 snag障碍,阻碍 compost混合肥料,堆肥 maintenance维护,保持 mow干草堆,谷堆;刈,扫除,收割庄稼,扫倒 tedious单调乏味的,沉闷的,冗长乏味的 container容器(箱,盆,罐,壶,桶,坛子),集装箱 trample踩踏,蹂躏;踩坏 chore家务杂事 pail桶,提桶 access通路,访问,入口 Lesson two Basic principles of plant design Art principle The choice of plant materials may determine whether the composition is a naturalized arrangement of ornamental materials or native plants. A highly manicured setting may be out of place on a rural farmstead, and a naturalized arrangement of locally collected materials may be out of place in a controlled housing development. These arrangements and choices of plant materials are according to the following laws: Lesson two Basic principles of plant design Variety and unity. Unity in a landscape design is achieved by the successful simplicity and variety. Simplicity and variety are applied to the physical selections of form, texture, scale, line and color to achieve a unity design. Simplicity breeds elegance. Simple lines, forms, and functional designs are always more interesting than complex, hard-to-digest designs that do not allow a proper focus of attention. Simplicity does not mean dull design, though. Lesson two Basic principles of plant design The most important way in creating simplicity of design is repetition. Repetition can apply to form, texture, or color as well as to specific plants. Repetition allows our eyes to move comfortably over a landscape, secure in the vision of something familiar. Repetition the same plant variety in a landscape contributes to unity by allowing that plant to have more impact. To prevent monotony, repet


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