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手指长度透露人的性格和才干 By comparing your index and ring fingers, a neuroscientist can tell if you are likely to be anxious or whether you are likely to be a good athlete. 通过对比食指和无名指的长度,神经科学家能够分辨出你是更容易紧张,还是更擅长运动。 If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, you are likely to be bad at sports but better at verbal memory tasks, a new study says. 一项最新研究指出,如果你的食指比无名指长,那么你可能运动很糟糕,但擅长言语记忆类工作。 But men and women with shorter index fingers compared to their ring finger are less anxious, better at mentally demanding 3D-rotation tasks and better at sport. 食指比无名指短的人不容易紧张,更擅长完成空间思维要求高的任务,也更擅长运动。 Scientists have long known adults whose index finger, the digit next to the thumb, is shorter than their ring finger, the digit next to the little finger, are exposed to greater amounts of testosterone when they were in the womb. 科学家们很早就知道拇指旁边的食指比小指旁边的无名指短的人,母体子宫里的睾酮激素水平更高。 The ratio between the ring and index fingers, known in scientists’ jargon as 2D and 4D, can reveal the levels of testosterone someone was exposed to in the womb. 无名指与食指的长度比率能够显示出人在母体子宫发育时子宫分泌的睾酮激素水平。(科学家用2D和4D来代表无名指长度和食指长度。) The greater level of testosterone, shown by the ring finger being longer than the index, means someone is likely to be a better athlete. 无名指相对于食指越长,表示睾酮激素水平越高,人们就越可能擅长运动。 High levels of testosterone generally correlate with superior abilities on tasks that men usually perform better, such as various spatial tasks like directional sense, Dr Pintzka, one of the researchers, said. 研究人员彼斯卡博士说,“睾酮激素水平高通常与男性能更出色完成任务的出众能力有关,比如像方向感等空间思维任务。 People with more testosterone are better at rotating a complicated object in their head. 分泌睾酮激素越多的人,就越擅长在脑海中反复思考复杂的事情。 The amount of testosterone in the womb has been linked with an increase in certain disorders. 子宫内的睾酮激素水平与某些功能紊乱的加剧密切相关。 Studies show high levels of testosterone in the womb correlate with an increased risk of developing diseases that are more common in men, such as ADHD, Tourettes and autism. 研究表明子宫内睾酮激素水平高,患上像注意力缺陷多动障碍、多发性多动症和自闭症等男性更常见疾病的风险就更高。 Low leve


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