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* Related terms: Hemiparesis: Weakness of muscle on one side of body Hemianopia: Loss of sight in half of visual field Aphasia: Unable to understand or produce language Apraxia: Unable to control muscles, movements is uncoordinated and “jerky” Dysarthria: Slurring of speech and “ mouth drop” on one side of face due to muscle weakness. * * * 脑脊液(CSF)从两个侧脑室内表面极细的血管组成的脉络丛中,点点滴滴地渗透出来,汇集成涓涓细流,经过第三脑室、中脑导水管、第四脑室进入脑中之湖——大脑延髓池。最后,离开脑湖倾泻而下,沿着紧贴在脑与脊髓外周的两层薄膜(软脑膜和蛛网膜)之间的河床——蛛网膜下腔向前流动。 * * * * * The innnominate Artery ( Brachiocephalic Trunk),typically is the first large vessel arising from the aortic arch, 2-3 inches following its origin it divides into the right subclavian and right common carotid arteries. The Innominate artery is the most proximal branch of the aortic arch, arising from the Ascending Aorta.It gives rise to the right Subclavian Artery and the right Common Carotid Artery. The right subclavian artery primary function is to supply blood to the right arm, additionally supplies the right chest wall and serves as the origin for the right vertebral artery The Left subclavian artery ordinarily is the last major branch arising from the aortic arch in the chest. Primary function is to supply blood to the left arm, also serves as the origin for left chest wall vessels and left vertebral artery. The most distal branch of the aortic arch is the left Subclavian Artery that gives rise to the left Vertebral Artery. * External Carotid artery(ECA) - arises from CCA bifurcation as smaller of the two branches Internal Carotid artery(ICA) - begins at the bifurcation of the CCA at the C3 - C4 or C4 - C5 Level * * * * The Internal Carotid Artery ( ICA) divisions include cervical, petrous,cavernous and supraclinoid. The ICA enters the cranial cavity at the apex of the petrous pyramid through the carotid canal and the cavernous sinus to supply the frontal (anterior) divisions of the brain (basal ganglia,cerebral hemispheres: anterior circulation.) The cervical ICA has n



