新概念第二册第一课PPT 1.ppt

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新概念第二册第一课PPT 1

Warming up “Manners make the man.” 观其待人而知其人。 What should we do in public? What can’t we do in public? Listen and answer the questions: Why didn’t the writer enjoy the play? Did the writer hear the young man the woman? A private conversation私人谈话 *private adj. (personal)私人的 private life private teacher private business This is for your private ear. 秘密的 a private place a secret place public adj. 公开的,公众的 public affairs privacy n. 隐私 Its a privacy.这是隐私。 Private space: 私人空间 英国人性格的显著特点之一是人与人之 要保持有一定距离的 * 作为同事之间,只能有工作之间的交往,而从不涉及私人空间。 * 在公共场所如果有多余的座位,英国人会尽量隔开坐。 * 他们特别忌讳与别人发生身体上的接触,不经意碰到别人通常都会道歉。 * 去朋友家一般都会事先打好招呼。 * 谈话“八戒”:年龄,财物,婚姻,住址, 经历,信仰,行踪,吃饭 *conversation n.谈话 I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend. I saw him in conversation with a friend. No conversation while Im talking. 近义词:dialogue talk chat gossip have a + talk/chat/dialogue/gossip Last week I went to the theatre.上星期我去看戏。 * theatre (theater AmE)剧场,戏院 metre (meter AmE ) centre(center AmE) go to the theatre 看戏去 go to the cinema 看电影去。 eg: Shall we go to the theatre tonight, I have got two tickets. theatre goer = play goer 戏迷 I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。 ? *seat n. 座位 chair 椅子 Is this seat taken?这有人坐吗? seatbelt=safety belt 安全带 in the drivers seat=in the leaders seat 处于领导地位 back-seat driver 爱指手划脚的人 v. 使就座,安排某人坐下 seat sb/yourself 请坐!Be seated,please! Sit down,please! Seat yourself,please! Will you have a seat? Wont you have a seat? *interesting adj.引起兴趣的 eg: This boy is very interesting. The book is interesting . interested adj.对…感兴趣的 be interested in sth/ doing sth eg. I am interested in sports. The boy is interested in computer games. I was not intersted in your affairs. *enjoy v.欣赏,喜爱 get pleasure from 跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语。 enjoy your life enjoy the meal enjoy the sunshine enjoy


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