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Jack 12物流2 The criteria speci?cation methodology for selecting port performance indicators may include the following selection criteria: (1) conciseness, (2) consistency with objectives, (3) data availability, (4) data-collection time and cost, (5) measurability, (6) minimization of uncontrollable factors, and (7) robustness (Talley 1994). The consistency-with objectives criterion requires that the indicators be consistent with the port’s operating objectives, i.e., they affect these objectives when their values change. In addition to the availability of data, the time and cost to be incurred in the collection of the indicator data should be considered in the selection of port performance indicators. The measurability criterion requires that the selected indicators be measurable, i.e., having a continuous as opposed to a discrete unit of measurement. The minimizing–uncontrollable–factors criterion requires that the values of the port’s selected indicators be under the control of port management. The robustness criterion requires that the selected indicators allow for the port to be evaluated under various scenarios. Port performance indicators selected from an economic operating objective speci?cation perspective (i.e., choice variables for optimizing the given economic objective) in general satisfy the selection criteria of the criteria speci?cation methodology. 标准规范的方法选择港口绩效指标可能包括以下选择标准: (1)简洁,(2)与目标的一致性,(3)数据的可用性,(4)数据收集的时间和成本,(5)可测量( 6))最小化的无法控制的因素,(7)健壮性(塔利1994年)。要求各项指标与港口的经营目标相一致,即,当他们的价值观的变化时,会影响这些目标。在收集的数据指标时,除了数据的可用性、时间和成本,应考虑选择港口绩效指标。可衡量的标准,要求所选择的指标是可以衡量的,也就是说,有一个连续的,而不是离散的测量单位。港口管理控制下的港口的选择指标值,要求不可控的因素的最小化。各种可能发生的情况下,鲁棒性要求选定准则允许的港口指标来评估。从经济运行的客观规范的角度(即,优化经济目标的选择变量),一般选择的港口性能指标满足标准规范方法的选择标准。 港口的经营目标是效益的经营目标,是在受利润约束条件下,最大限度地提高港口的年吞吐量(吨??)。在表10.1。这些指标是港口的操作选项中找到第七章关于港口技术效率以及港口价格(假设这个港口没有面临竞争,市场集港口价格)对港口的有效性(莱杰(Talley 1994)。然而,一个港口必须在技术上是有效的,才能算有效指标。 Port performance indicators selected by the economic operating objective approach , where the port’s operatin


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