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Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) 16th American president Preserving the Union and ending slavery Ever been a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate. Speech man The first presidential assassination in1865 the greatest U.S. President.; Some interesting stories about Abraham Lincoln ;Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) 16th American president Preserving the Union and ending slavery Ever been a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives twice an unsuccessful candidate for election to the U.S. Senate. Speech man The first presidential assassination in1865 the greatest U.S. President.;U.S MilitaryAcademy;West Point 22 Army Regulation ; 1 Very strict, And must take part in national unity of the college entrance examination, And parliament was recommended through dozens of the military and civilian officials of the assessment, having strict physical tests, preventing myopia and his flat feet, a heart trouble, and are not entirely apply for funding of the west. ( 入学考核是 非常严格的,除必须参加国家统一组织的大学入学考试外,还要有国会议员的推荐,要经过数十名军方文职官员的评估,还有严格的体能测试,近视、平足,心脏检查) Out about 30% (西点的淘汰率高达30%左右。) 3 BEAST, (兽训) ;school motto;The best college of business in American ;1every morning Get up at six From 7.00 to12:00 keeping study without a rest. lunch, its siesta time it is only 50 minutes 3 Meal time is only twenty minutes Here only has military music and the national anthem , there was no beer, guitars, no video recorder, the television is a must in the lobby watching. ;(建成近190年来,一直被称为美国陆军军官的摇篮。它培育了一代又一代名将和军事人才,其中有3700多人成为将军,2人成为美国总统(格兰特和艾森豪威尔)。据1993年统计,美国陆军中有超过40%的将军是西点军校的毕业生,西点毕业生都创下了辉煌);Benjamin Franklin (1706--1790);Born


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