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Unit 3: The Government of the United Kingdom An Introduction to the System of Government What is “government”? Government: political organization comprising the individuals and institutions authorized to formulate public policies and conduct affairs of state. Classification of governments: Monarchic governments—Republican governments Democratic governments — Dictatorships Federal governments — Unitary governments Monarchy is a form of government in which one person has the hereditary right to rule as head of state during his or her lifetime. Republican government is a form of state based on the concept that sovereignty resides in the people. Democratic government is one in which the supreme authority is exercised by representatives elected by popular suffrage. Federalism is a national or international political system in which two levels of government control the same territory and citizens. Unitary systems, with laws giving virtually all authority to the central government. 1. The System of Government in the UK: 1. It is a monarchic government with the Queen as the head of the state (constitutional monarchy). 2. It is a democratic government with elected representatives in its parliament (Parliamentary Democracy). 3. It is a unitary government with a strong central government. Basic Structure of UK Central Government 2. The System of Government in the USA: The United States is federal country with a presidential government. Federalism — the division of the powers of government between the nation and the state in the United States. The Separation of Powers — the separation of powers among the three departments of the Federal Government. In parliamentary government of the United Kingdom, the executive branch is subordinate to the legislature. In presidential government of the United States, the executive is independent of the legislature. II. An Introduction to Early English History The government of the United Kingdom has for


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