矿大 程序设计语言原理 复习ppt Review.ppt

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矿大 程序设计语言原理 复习ppt Review

Concepts of Programming Languages;Review ;1.3 Language Evaluation Criteria;1.3 Language Evaluation Criteria;1.5 Language Categories;1.5 Language Categories;1.7 Implementation Methods;Chapter 2: Evolution of the major programming languages Zuse’s Plankalkul Minimal Hardware Programming: Pseudocodes The IBM 704 and FORTRAN Functional Programming: LISP The First Step Toward Sophistication: ALGOL 60 Computerizing Business Records: COBOL The Beginnings of Timesharing: BASIC Everything for Everybody: PL/I ;9. Two Early Dynamic Languages: APL and SNOBOL 10. The Beginnings of Data Abstraction: SIMULA 67 11. Orthogonal Design: ALGOL 68 12. Some Early Descendants of the ALGOLs 13. Programming Based on Logic: Prolog 14. Hisotry’s Largest Design Effort: Ada Object-Oriented Programming: Smalltalk Combining Imperative and Object-Oriented Features: C++ Programming the world wide web: Java ;Chapter 5: Names, Bindings, Type Checking,and Scopes Introduction Names Variables (属性,别名,左值,右值 P183) The Concept of Binding(动态和静态绑定、生命周期) Type Checking Strong Typing Type Compatibility Scope Scope and Lifetime Referencing Environments Named Constants Variable Initialization;5.2 Names (cont.);5.3 Variables; 两个变量具有按名等价的类型当且仅当它们一起被说明,或者用相同的类型标识符说明,即对应的类型名相同。如: type T is array[1..100] of INTEGER; (Ada) x,y : array[1..100] of INTEGER; (P198) z : array[1..100] of INTEGER; r,w : T; i, j : FLOAT; 按名等价: r与w, i与j x与y 、x与z按名不等价, z与r按名不等价.; 两个变量具有按结构等价的类型当且仅当变量的所有分量有相同类型的值集。 在上例中,u和v第二个分量的值集是相同的,所以按结构等价。 x和u呢?; 两个变量具有按定义等价的类型当且仅当两个变量有完全相同的类型(包括相同的域名)。 除类型名外的其他特征均相同者即视为按定义等价。 如 type complex = record re: int; im: int end; Type rational = record nominator: int; denominator: 1..299999 end; ;program example; var a, b : integer; …… procedure subl


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