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Background Information In June 1963, with support from the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., Foundation, Eunice Kennedy Shriver (sister of U.S. President John F. Kennedy) started a summer day-camp for mentally challenged children at her home in Rockville, Maryland. Between 1963 and 1968, the Kennedy Foundation promoted the creation of dozens of similar camps in the United States and Canada. Special awards were developed for physical achievements, and by 1968 Shriver had persuaded the Chicago Park District to join with the Kennedy Foundation in sponsoring a “Special Olympics,” held at Soldier Field on July 19–20. About 1,000 athletes from 26 U.S. states and Canada participated. Background Information The games were such a success that, in December, Special Olympics, Inc. (now Special Olympics International), was founded, with chapters in the United States, Canada, and France. The first International Winter Special Olympics Games were held on February 5–11, 1977 (in Steamboat Springs, Colorado). By the early 21st century there were chapters in some 150 countries. More than one million athletes participate annually in some 20,000 meets and tournaments held worldwide, culminating in the International Special Olympics Games every two years, alternating between winter and summer sports and each lasting for nine days. Background Information The Spirit of Special Olympics : skill, courage, sharing and joy Language Points 1. quench: formal (line 2, para. 3) to stop yourself feeling thirsty, by drinking something 解除(口渴) 热天冰茶能止渴。 Iced tea will quench your thirst on hot days. b) to stop a fire from burning 熄灭(火、焰) ① 水能灭火。 Water will quench a fire. ② 消防队员把火扑灭了。 The firemen quenched the blaze. Language Points c) to put an end to (hope) 结束;灭绝(希望) 虽然水手的生活很艰苦,但他对海洋的渴望却没有停止。 While life as a sailor was harsh, his thirst for the sea was not quenched. 消除仇恨 quench hatred Language Points 2. quest [countable] literary (line 6, para. 4) a long sear



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