北信科 高英作业 Stun的解释.ppt

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北信科 高英作业 Stun的解释

Stun Contents 01 meaning in text meanings &examples&synonyms&collocations other forms 02 03 stun in text : I was stunned,as though she were asking me to go through the talent show torture again. to surprise or shock sb. so much that they cannot think clearly or speak 使震惊(或惊愕、目瞪口呆) 我吓得目瞪口呆,就好像她要让我再参加一次这折磨人的才艺秀一样。 ① 使震惊(或惊愕、目瞪口呆) to surprise or shock sb. so much that they cannot think clearly or speak Examples: Hes stunned by todays resignation of his longtime ally. 他被自己的长期助手今天的辞职所震惊。 If you use this in your daily life you will stun people with your mastery of English. 在日常生活中,如果你使用这个句子,人们将会对你掌握英语的程度目瞪口呆。 Synonyms: bewilder :使不知所措 shock:使震惊 overwhelm:受打击 stupefy:使惊呆 scandalize:使震惊 petrifying:使石化 astound:使惊骇 dumbfound:使惊呆,使人惊愕失声 flabbergast:哑然失色,使大吃一惊 ② 使昏迷;(尤指)打昏 to make a person or an animal unconscious for a short time,especially by hitting them on the head. Example: Sam stood his ground and got a blow that stunned him. 萨姆不让步,遭到一击,把他打昏了。 Flash bang grenades were designed to stun people. 闪光弹的设计是晃晕人。 stun gun:眩晕枪 stun grenade:眩晕手雷 Synonyms: bedaze:使茫然;使眩惑 stupefy:使昏迷 befuddle:使迷惑;使昏沉(酒醉) narcotize:麻醉,使昏迷、 numb:使麻木;使发愣;使失去感觉 knock out:使人昏迷 (to) be in a coma:昏迷 ③给(某人)以深刻印象;使深深感动 to impress sb very much. Example: They were stunned by the view from the summit. 在峰顶看到的景色使他们惊叹不已。 We were stunned by her beauty. 我们对于她的美丽惊叹不已。 He seems completely stunned by the jurys verdict of guilt. 他似乎对陪审团的有罪裁决感到大为震惊。 Synonyms: impress:给与某人深刻印象 amaze:使吃惊 moved:使感动 touch:触动 usage: collocations: ① ~+n. stun the animal 射杀动物 stun the movie world 震惊电影界 stun the new soldier 吓呆新兵 ② ~+adv. stun momentarily 立刻被打昏 stun temporarily 暂时昏迷 stun utterly 完全迷住 ③ ~+prep. stun by ones beauty 赞叹某人的美丽 stun by ones cleverness 赞叹某人的聪明


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