第二学期口译PPT 第9周.ppt

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第二学期口译PPT 第9周

Lesson 9:Multi-tasking( lesson 23) Teaching purpose: ?Enhancement of interpreter’s recognition on language codes ?To conclude interpretation methods in interpretation practice ?To remember some skills in interpretation Teaching Emphasis and Difficult Points: ?Content checking ?Interpreting Practice ?New knowledges in interpretation Teaching methods: ?Exploration-internalization teaching mode(Development and Internalization Teaching Model ) ?Communicative Approach Task 1: Go over some important phrases in last class(教师念,学生集体口译出): vehicle 车辆;工具;交通工具 Warning. Vehicle breaking ahead警告,车辆超速。 Coming along. The light is green. Everything looks fine. 直走,一路绿灯,各方面看起来不错。 vehicle to vehicle technology车辆与车辆之间的科技 send wireless message 发送无线信息 identify possible crashes自动识别出可能发生的事故 the driver slams on the brakes有个司机急刹车 sober drivers清醒的司机part of the government pilot test作为政府试点测试 it`s a lengthy process to get something like this mandated. 这需要一个漫长的过程来完成规则制定 your privacy should not be compromised个人信息不会被泄露出去 water extraction水提取 dam building and other river-changing pursuits大坝建设和修改河道 river amphibians, fish and mammals have disappeared 两栖类动物、鱼和哺乳动物消失 the conservation group ---World Wildlife Fund 野生动植物保护组织——世界野生动植物基金会 domesticated animals家养的动物 Farms to feed people displace forests that feed wildlife. 向野生动植物提供给养的森林,被为人们提供食物的农场所取代。 from fish to bushmeat从鱼到兽肉 The vast majority of these beleaguered species are not extinct. 大多数陷入困境中的物种还没有灭绝。 coyote[ka???t?], deer, turkey and other forest animals 其中包括丛林狼、鹿、火鸡以及其它一些森林动物 Exporting that trend could help stave off the gathering sixth mass extinction. 这一趋势有助于延迟第六次集中的大规模的灭绝。 like drinking tea喜欢喝茶 Britons drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year.英国人每年可以喝掉世界上生产的四分之一的茶叶。 They are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. 他们是世界上茶叶最大的消费人群。 at least 8 different occasions during the day一天至少喝茶8次 Factories pour their wastes into our air and into our rivers and lakes. 工厂把垃圾排到天空,河流和湖泊。 Noisy trucks and trains pollute in a different way. 嘈杂的卡车和


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