翻译2班group6 The functions and theories of language 更定版.pptx

翻译2班group6 The functions and theories of language 更定版.pptx

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翻译2班group6 The functions and theories of language 更定版

外12.11 林秦 1204021117 谭笑 1207030119 黄媛媛 1204021134 ;THE FUNCTIONS AND THEORIES OF LANGUAGE;; naming :;;; ; stating People produce subject-predicate or topic-comment statements, in order to say something about the objects and events they name. According to the statement we can view the reality of the world. ;;The psychological functions of language ——stating;The psychological functions of language ——modeling of reality; entities e.g. boy, house, tree, sun, hill, etc.;;;;The psychological functions of language ——modeling of reality; entities activities;The psychological functions of language ———modeling of reality;;;The psychological functions of language ———modeling of reality ;Relations are marked by time . ;Relations are marked by space. ;The psychological functions of language ———modeling of reality ;The psychological functions of language ———modeling of reality;e.g. John was very foolish. Furthermore, he was completely irresponsible. ; Expression occurs in different ways. Its purpose is to give vent to a person’s own feelings rather than to influence other person.;simply words of emotive response to something e.g. Oh, my god! Damn it! Ouch! Hurrah! b. play with words to display balance ,proportion and symmetry e.g. aesthetic expression, rhythm, semantic c. play with words to create or reflect a particular psychological atmosphere e.g. clear or mysterious, imperative or suggestive, serious or playful; Cognition is the use of language to think.



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