英文新闻翻译与分析加生词解析 Chinese Potter.ppt

英文新闻翻译与分析加生词解析 Chinese Potter.ppt

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英文新闻翻译与分析加生词解析 Chinese Potter

Chinese Pottery 中国陶瓷;《礼记·月令》:“﹝仲冬之月﹞陶器必良,火齐必得。” 唐 赵璘《因话录·徵》:“兵察帝主院中茶,茶必市 蜀 之佳者,贮于陶器,以防暑湿。” 郭沫若 《中国史稿》第一编第二章第二节:“陶器的出现是人类在向自然界斗争中的一项划时代的发明创造。” 中国作为四大文明古国之一,为人类社会的进步和发展做出了卓越的贡献,其中陶瓷的发明和发展更具有独特的意义。中国陶瓷的发展史是中华文明史的一个重要的组成部分,反应了中国历史上各朝各代不同艺术风格和不同技术特点。英文中的china既有中国的意思,又有陶瓷的意思,清楚地表明了中国就是陶瓷的故乡。;Pottery may be the oldest artwork of human beings. As far back as the Neolithic Age (more than 8,000 years ago), people began mixing clay and water then baking it until it held its shape. Ancient people attached the word pottery to their discovery and used it to create various vessels and tools to improve the quality of life. Over the course of thousands of years, they became dominant wares in peoples daily life: used to cook, to store things, and to hold cuisine or waters as dishes. 翻译: 陶器可能是人类最古老的艺术品。早在新石器时代(8000多年前),人们就开始将粘土和水混合,然后烘烤直到成形。古人将他们的新发明命名为“陶瓷”,用来制造各种容器和工具提高他们的生活质量。数千年来,陶瓷成为人们的日常生活主要器具:用作烹饪、储存东西盛放菜肴或水的盘子。;neolithic adj. [古] 新石器时代的;早先的 ;attach... to...把。。附加到。。。;attach... to...把。。附加到。。。;As time passed, the technique became more and more consummate. Different kinds of pottery appeared in different times and regions. Yangshao Culture, 5,000 - 7,000 years ago to today, developed a technique for painted ceramic wares. Qujialing Culture and Longshan Culture, dating back about 4,000 years ago, were known for their black ceramic wares. During the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) bronze vessels grew into somewhat of a status symbol; common people, though, still used traditional clay ceramic wares. Workshops of grey and white potters took the artistic features of bronze wares and decorated their articles ornately. 翻译: 随着时间的流逝,陶瓷技术日趋完善。在不同的时间和地区出现了不同类型的陶器。距今5000 - 7000年的仰韶文化开发出一种彩绘陶瓷技术。距今约4000年的屈家岭文化和龙山文化以黑色陶瓷制品闻名。在商代(第十六-公元前第十一世纪)青铜器变成某种身份的象征;普通人依然使用传统的粘土陶瓷制品。制作灰色和白色陶瓷的陶工采用青铜器的艺术特色,华丽地装饰陶瓷。 ;consummate ;1.3 仰韶文化 B. C. 5000~B. C. 3000;(1)仰韶文化——半坡类型 B. C. 4800年~ B. C. 4300年;(2)仰韶文化——庙底沟类型 B. C. 3900前后;ceramic product陶瓷制品 glass ceramic 玻璃陶瓷;陶瓷平台 ceramic pigmentn.


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