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Chinese Dietary Culture --Eight Chinese cuisines Chinese Cuisine Chinese vast territory and abundant resources, products, dietary habits and methods around the cooking, has the very big difference. For a long time, formed a unique cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine is famous, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan and Anhui eight, collectively known as the China eight big cuisines. ?Shandong cuisine ?Jiangsu cuisine ?Sichuan cuisine ?ZheJiang cuisine ?Cantonese cuisine ?Hunan cuisine ?Fujian cuisine ?Anhui cuisine Shandong Cuisine Shandong cuisine is characterized by fresh, fresh, pure taste is famous for very particular, modulation of clear soup and milk soup, soup color is clear and fresh, soup color white and alcohol. Shandong cuisine is adept at burst, fried, fried, burnt. Spiced Pork Steamed Chop with Millet Chicken with Sesame Oil Jiangsu cuisine Jiangsu cuisine influence over vast areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, renowned at home and abroad. Jiangsu cuisine is characterized by: a wide variety of ingredients, with the river the lake water and fresh; fine knife, cooking methods, is good at stew braise simmer wu. Roast suckling pig Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs Sichuan Cuisine Its characteristic is the acid, sweet, Ma, spicy, sour, heavy oil, seasonings, cannot do without the three pepper and fresh ginger, hot, acid, Ma win universal praise, for other local dishes have little, forming a unique flavor of Sichuan cuisine, enjoy the one dish a taste, a hundred dishes subway in the world. Mapo Tofu spicy chicken Fried Shrimps in Hot Spicy Sauce Zhejiang cuisine Zhejiang cuisine in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Wenzhou, represented by dishes evolved. Its characteristic is clear, sweet, crisp, tender, crisp, fresh. Cooking techniques at Yu Chao, fried, braised, steamed, slip, burn. Dongpo Pork West Lake Sour Fish Beggars Young Chickens Cantonese cuisine Cantonese cuisine comes from Guangdong prov


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