英语泛读教程unit5Text IIHow college is different from high school.ppt

英语泛读教程unit5Text IIHow college is different from high school.ppt

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英语泛读教程unit5Text IIHow college is different from high school

Text II How College Is different from High School (part II) III. Contextual clues Question: Can you describe high school life? Language points 1.adapt [?d?pt] vt. 使适应 to make somebody used to a new environment. 例:The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 这个世界将会不同,所以我们必须准备好适应变化。 2. boarding school 寄宿学校 school that provides students with accommodations and daily meals. eg. She and her brother are both at boarding school. 她和她弟弟都在寄宿学校念书。 3. benefit [ben?f?t] n. 利益,好处 =advantage eg. This could now work to Albanias benefit. 这可能现在对阿尔巴尼亚有利。 4. network n. 关系网 group of people that are connected eg. In business, it is important to make a social network as soon as possible. 在生意场上,尽可能多地建立社会关系网是重要的。 5. other than 不同于;非 =different from eg. Their motivation is other than me. 他们的动机不同于我的。 6.personality [p??s?n?l?t?] character of a person n. 个性;品格; 复数 personalities She has such a kind, friendly personality. 她有着如此友善的性格。 7. rarely [re?l?] not often adv. 很少地; eg. We rarely see someone go after the health area. 我们很少见到有人在健康领域做文章。 8. interact to communicate or work together vi. 互相影响;互相作用 interact with与……相互作用 eg. How do we interact with this thing? 我们怎样与这个东西互动? 9.amazing extraordinary or wonderful adj. 令人惊异的 10. multicultural [m?lt?k?lt?(?)r(?)l] adj. 多种文化的;融合或具有多种文化的 of more than one culture 11.access [?kses] the opportunity to meet somebody n. 接触的机会; 接触的权利 例:He was not allowed access to a lawyer. 他未被允许接触律师。 12.calorie[k?l?r?] n. 卡路里(事物的热量单位) A unit for measuring the amount of energy that food will produce. Sweetened drinks contain a lot of calories. 含糖的饮料热量很高。 13.staple [ste?p(?)l] n. a food that is needed and used all the time. n. 主食 Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans. 鱼是许多非洲人饮食中的主食。 14.nutritious [nj?tr???s] containing substances that are good for health adj. 有营养的,滋养的 Plastic bags have no nutritious value! 塑料袋可没有营养价值! 15.junk food food that is not healthy 垃圾食物;无营养的速食


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