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1) Water and our life 2) The earth‘s water resources distribution(地球水资源分布图) 3)Water pollution Lakes pollution 3)Water pollution Rural pollution 3)Water pollution Pollution of the city 3)Water pollution Groundwater pollution 4) Save water 1) Water and our life Water is the source of the life Water is important in our life. As humans, we are water and oxygen based organisms, as are many organisms on earth. Without water, we will dehydrate and die. The earths crust makes up less than 1% of the earth and all the oceans on the planet are in the earths crust. Therefore, water makes up less than 1% of the earth. One drop of water is one drop of life. The human body is something like 70% water. We heavily reply on water to survive. We need to take care of water. As the progress of our society is ongoing, more and more pollutants have been released to the water resources such as rivers and oceans. A drop of water is a life. As human being, we should take good care of our water; we should save water! organisms [?rg?n,?z?m] n. 生物体(organism的复数);有机体 crust [kr?st] n. 外壳;面包皮;坚硬外皮 Life and water 2) The earth‘s water resources distribution(地球水资源分布图) The earth fresh water resource is very scarce Total amount is not rich, per capita are lower. Chinas water resources ranks the sixth in the world ,and per capita are for 2240 m3, about a quarter of the world average per capita, in the world bank continuous statistics in 153 countries in the 88th 3)Water pollution Lakes pollution Lakes pollution is due to the sewage into the lakes of polluted phenomenon 1 The lake is a large atrophy(萎缩), lakes gleying and swamping aggravating(加重), some lakes disappeared 3)Water pollution Lakes pollution 2 Lake water pollution source is getting more and more complicated, lakes pollution and eutrophication(富营养化)present complex, accompanying type characteristics 3)Water pollution Rural pollution Rural water pollution in rural now is the biggest problem 3)Water


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