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Lecture 14 The Beauty of Britain (Nov. 11) Activities I. 教学目的和教学重点 II. Topic sentences finding + Key words listing III. Comprehension + Word puzzle IV. A thousand readers, a thousand Hamlets. a three-paralleled approach to the text a literal interpretation a cultural interpretation a psychological interpretation I. 教学目的和教学重点 1.了解文章的结构和文风。 文风清新、自然,不露痕迹。 2.作者围绕中心句和关键词旁敲侧击﹑含沙射影,敏锐地读出句子的言外之意并学以致用。 3.欣赏英国自然与人和谐相处,天人合一,物我两忘。 II. Text discourse Para 1 Topic sentence: it is immensely varied within a small range. Key words: beauty/ variety/ smallish 1. Comprehension: The beauty of our country –or at least all of its south of North Scotland –is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy. as hard to… as it is easy to: to the same degree? (0802燕娜 *0804丽娜*0801莹莹) easy to enjoy but difficult to describe (*0805王宇 *0802文静)is indescribable but easy to appreciate  只可意会不可言传 2. Word puzzle: But we have superb variety. A great deal of everything is packed into little space. …everything has to be neatly packed into a small space. is immensely varied within a small range? is to be well adapted is adjusted to/placed into the scale of the island Neatly: be crowded/squeezed/ put into tidily/orderly (0604李娜)井然有序地?(0602蒙蒙) to be fitted into in a pleasing shape (0604金琴琴) be put harmoniously into A mountain 12,000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wrong as a plain 400 miles long, a river as broad as the Mississippi. as improper/unsuitable in this small range as? 与总体的环境不协调 (0602盛优)格格不入,突兀 as a plain 400 miles long which (0804金丽) as disagreeable/ unfit as (0801真宇) as incongruent as as incompatible as (0802包唯) would not fit snugly into            doesn’t match/ go well with          isn’t in harmony with            is not adjusted to a smallish region / Topic sentences finding/organization: 3 folds / 2 transitional sentences Para


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