高校名师英语四级作文专题 2016.ppt

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高校名师英语四级作文专题 2016

句子练习: 和过去相比,社会竞争变得愈发激烈,因而很多人都受到多种心理问题的困扰。 如果没有一张名校的文凭,得到一份诱人的工作的可能性将大大减少。 一个人是否应该从事临时工作取决于他是否认为这是目前最佳的选择。 技术进步所带来的满足感是暂时的和虚幻的,而欣赏艺术创造所带来的满足感却绝然不是。 因此,认为基因克隆能解决所有问题从根本上来说是错误的。 句子练习: Compared with the past, the social competition is becoming ever fiercer, which is the breeding ground for many psychological problems. Without a qualification from a reputable school or university, the odds of obtaining the job advertised in the paper are considerably shortened. Whether a person should choose temporary job depends on whether he thinks it the best option. The satisfaction brought by the technological advances if transitory and sometimes illusionary, but that by the appreciation of artistic creation is absolutely not. Therefore, to claim that genetic cloning would solve many problems is fundamentally flawed. 句子练习: 虽然金钱可能带来好生活的幻觉,但真正的生活质量只有通过寻求与环境的和谐才能获得。 如果没有一个有效的生态体系,世界经济将最终崩溃,犹如沙地建房。 从历史的角度来说,公司对利润的关注远远超过对环境的关注。 那些具有独立性的人要比没有独立性的人更可能在当今高度竞争的社会获得成功。 由于有了电脑,人们可以找到几乎所有他们所需要的信息。这是我们的祖先做梦都想不到的事。 句子练习: Money may bring about the illusion of a better life, but true life quality can only be sought by seeking harmony with our environment. Without an efficient ecosystem, world economies will eventually collapse, like a house built on sand. Historically, companies have been far more concerned with profits than with the environment. Those who are independent have more possibilities of being successful than those who are not in such a highly competitive society. With the internet, people can find almost every thing they need, which is far beyond their ancestors’ imagination. 练习1: Scientific?progress?influences?our? daily?life?greatly.?Do?you?think?this?is? a?positive?or?negative?development? 练习2: Some people think that animals should be treated as friends, while others think they are only a source of food and clothing. What is your opinion? 作文专题 四六级作文 四六级写作常见语法错误分类 1.句子成分残缺不全 2.句子成分多余 3.主谓不一致 4.动词时态、语态的误用 5.词类混淆 1.句子成分残缺不全 We always working till late at night befo


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