高中英语选修六unit1artwarming up and reading a short story of western painting课件.ppt

高中英语选修六unit1artwarming up and reading a short story of western painting课件.ppt

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高中英语选修六unit1artwarming up and reading a short story of western painting课件

a short history of western painting represent religious themes. many symbols, created a feeling of respect and love for God. Raffaello Sanzio 拉斐尔 (1483-1520) 这位年轻的画家年仅27岁。马萨乔是意大利文艺复兴的先驱,他短暂的一生带来了一场绘画革命,他是最早在画面上自由地运用远近法透视法来处理三度空间关系的优秀画家,他的绘画技法成为西欧美术发展的基础。 三.Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century) painted outdoors painted changes in light not detailed Impressionism 四.Modern art (20th century to today) abstract; concentrated on qualities of the object. very realistic and just like photographs Matisse马蒂斯 (1869-1954) Modern art Western paintings: Let’s enjoy some of the very famous arts in the western history, which represent the styles of different periods. 1. focus more on humans and less on religion. 2.draw things in perspective. paint people and nature as they really were. 3.use new paints and technique. 二.The Renaissance (15th – 16th century) 巴卡斯蒂伯爵像 (拉斐尔) The School of Athens 雅典学院 圣母像  拉斐尔潜心研究各画派大师的艺术特点,并认真领悟,博采众长,形成秀美、圆润、柔和的风格,成为和达·芬奇、米开朗基罗鼎足而立的文艺复兴艺坛三杰之一 拉斐尔创作了大量的圣母像,显露出其非凡的天才。他的一系列圣母画像,都以母性的温情和青春健美而体现了人文主义思想。 Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇 (1452-1519) Mona Lisa Masaccio的作品: Madonna with Child and Angels 王座上的圣母圣子和四天使 Crucifixion耶稣钉刑图 The color looks richer and deeper. Try to compare them Monet Claude Sunrise by Monet Claude in the 19th century 吹笛少年 Monet 莫奈(1840-1926) A French painter who helped to start the Impressionist movement. he is best known for his paintings of the countryside in which he tried to show the affects of light by painting the same picture at different times of day or in different types of weather Sunflowers Van Gogh凡高(1853-1890) A Dutch painter who went to live in southern France and helped to developed the style of Post-impressionism. His paintings typically use bright colors and have thick lines. One of the most famous ones is Sunflowers .He is also known for being mentally ill and for cutting off one of his ears and later killing himself. Poor as he was during his life, his paintings are now extremely


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