Introduction of translation中级翻译介绍.ppt

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Introduction of translation中级翻译介绍

John is now with his parents in New York City; it is already three years since he was a bandmaster. 约翰现在同父母住在纽约市,他担任乐队指挥以来已有三年了。 约翰现同父母住在纽约市,他不担任乐队指挥已有三年了。 (3)context: John is looking for his glasses. Mary showed her baby pictures. Can be understood as: Mary showed some pictures to her baby. Mary showed her some baby pictures. Mary showed her baby pictures to somebody. Jefferson refused to accept other people’s opinions without careful thought. ·Judge for yourself. Jefferson refused to accept other people’s opinions without careful thought.“neither believe nor reject anything,” he wrote to his nephew, “ because any other person has rejected or believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error. Use it.” 未经认真地思考,杰斐逊决不(轻易地)接受别人的意见。或:经过认真思考,杰斐逊才接受别人的意见。) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game. 约翰为人可靠,他既忠诚又正直。 Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the tigers of the Far East. 无论是谁,如果认为世界各国金融市场未必能控制各国经济,只须看一看远东地区的“四小龙”所面临的这场金融危机就明白了。 My delegation is not satisfied that the case has yet been made for convening such a broad conference. 我方代表团对于没有人提出理由说明应召开如此广泛的会议很不满意。 我方代表团认为,还没有人提出充分理由说明应召开如此广泛的会议。 The nationalized industries have been spoon-fed for so long that they dont care whether they give value for money, or make a profit or loss. 一些国有行业长期受到优厚待遇,他们不在乎钱花得是不是值得,也不在乎盈利或亏损。 一些国有行业长期受到优厚待遇,他们不在乎钱花得是不是值得,也不在乎盈利或亏损。 I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure. 我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!没有一所监狱更加牢固。 我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!锁得牢牢的好象监狱一般。 Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field. 我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后小心翼翼地画了一笔,就像雪白的田野上的一粒蚕豆那么大小。 我迟疑不决地选了一管蓝色颜料,然后非常小心翼翼地在画布雪白的底色上点了豆子般大小的一点。 I agree with you that many laws are unjust, but if you make eve


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