新课标九年级上(冀教版)unit1 lesson3.ppt

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新课标九年级上(冀教版)unit1 lesson3

Lesson 3 Good Food, Good Health 新课标九年级英语上(冀教版) 赵伟 2015-7-10 Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 1. corn /k?:n/ 玉米(美),谷物(英) Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 2. Asian /ei∫n/ 亚洲的,亚洲人 Asia n. 亚洲 Europe 欧洲—— European 欧洲人 Africa 非洲—— African 非洲人 Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 3. diet / dai?t/ 日常饮食,食物 on a diet 节食 order a diet for sb 叮嘱某人吃规定的饮食 a blanced diet 均衡饮食 eg. It is important to eat a blanced diet. diet→习惯或规定的食物 food→不可数,食物的一般用语(foods各种食品) Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 4. bean /bin/ 豆 soybean 大豆,黄豆 soybeanmilk 豆浆 Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 5. grain /gren/ 粮食,谷物 6. vitamin /vait?min/ 维生素 7. protein /protin/ 蛋白质 8. calcium /k?lsiθm/ 钙 Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 9. contain /k?nten/ 包含 contain 包含所含之物的全部或部分,还指容器空间里的所有东西 eg. The bottle contains some water. b. 指里面包含什么成分 eg. Vegetables contains a lot of libres. c. 相当于 eg. A foot contains 12 inches. Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) ② include 强调“由某些成员构成”,主语和宾语是总分关系 eg. My family includes my father, my mother and me Part 1 Vocabulary(词汇) 10. balanced adj. 平衡的,均衡的 keep balance 保持平衡 lose balance 失去平衡 Part 2 Text (课文) 1. Here are the four food groups: 倒装句 are/is 后面的名词是主语,谓语动词取决于后面名词的单复数。 eg. Here is my answer. eg. Here are the letters for you. Part 2 Text (课文) 注意:以there或here开头的倒装句,若主语为代词时,使用不完全(部分/半)倒装。 主语在前,谓语在后 eg. Here she comes. eg. There it is. Part 2 Text (课文) be made of 成品中仍可看出原材料 由...制成 be made from 成品中看不出原材料 eg. The chairs are made of wood. eg. These wines are made from grapes. Part 2 Text (课文) ③ be made in 产于...地方,在...地方制造 eg. This machine is made in China. ④ be made by 某物由某人或某种方式制造 eg. These beautiful toys are made by hand. ⑤ be made into 把...制成,使转变成...(指用某种原料制成某种产品) eg. Glass can be made into bottles. ⑥ be made up of 由...组成(构成),指主要部分由两个或两个以上的部分组成。 eg. The company is made up of five people, including two women. Part 2 Text (课文) 3. be rich in 富有....,富含.... eg. This country is rich in oil and coal. Part 2 Text (课文) 4. ① be popular in 在.


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