The Wolfs Tail 狼尾巴.doc

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The Wolfs Tail 狼尾巴

The Wolf’s Tail 狼尾巴1.One day, a wolf went out in search of food and carelessly stumbled into a trap dug by a hunter. The wolf spun round and round in anxiety, but there was no way for him to get out. 一天,一只狼出来找食物,不小心掉到了猎人的陷阱里。狼急得团团转,可是怎么也爬不上来 2.A goat passed by the trap, and on seeing it, the wolf said, “Good kind-hearted Mr. Goat. Please come and rescue me quickly.” 一只山羊从陷阱旁经过,狼看见了他,忙说:“好心的山羊先生,快来救我出去吧!” 3.The goat saw the wolf trapped in the pit, and said, “Who are you? And how did you fall into that pit?” The wolf replied, “I am a friendly dog. I fell into the pit when trying to rescue a chicken. I beg you to help me quickly, please!” 山羊看到了陷阱里的狼,说:“你是谁?怎么掉在陷阱里了?”狼回答说:“我是一只善良的狗,为了救一只鸡掉进了井里,你快救救我吧。” 4.The goat looked at the wolf, and said, “But you don’t look like a dog to me. You look like a wolf.” The wolf said, “Mr. Goat, please believe me. I am really a dog.” 山羊看了看狼,说:“可是我看你不像狗,很像狼。” 狼说:“山羊先生,请你相信我,我的的确确是狗。” 5.The goat said, “Dogs can swing their tails, and wolves can’t. So if you can swing your tail, I will believe that you are a dog.” The wolf replied,” I can swing my tail. Of course I can. If you don’t believe me, please just look.” And saying this he lifted up his coarse and hard tail. “狗会摇尾巴,狼不会。如果你会摇尾巴,我就相信你是狗。” 山羊说。狼忙说:“我会摇尾巴,不信,你看。” 正说着,狼摇起了他那根又粗又硬的尾巴 6.The goat saw the tail of the wolf and said, “The tails of dogs are not like that. You are not a dog, for I can see that you are a wolf.” 山羊看见了狼硬硬的尾巴,就说:“狗的尾巴不是这样的,你不是狗,我看你是狼。” 7.The wolf in the pit could see that the goat had seen through his trick, and so said angrily to him, “Let’s have less of this chitchat. Come quickly and let me out or I will eat you.” 陷阱里的狼看山羊识破了自己的诡计,就凶狠地说:”少?嗦!快点救我出去,否则我就吃掉你。” 8.”You’ve fallen into a pit and still want to eat me? Don’t be so agitated. I’ll just go and fetch the hunter.” And saying this, the goat went off. “ 你掉进了陷阱里还想吃我?你别急,我这就去找猎人来。” 说着山羊走了 9.After a short while, the hunter returned carrying a bow, a stick and some arr


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