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山东天成万丰化工科技有限公司 山东兖州天成化工有限公司 Shandong Tiancheng Wanfeng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong Yanzhou Tiancheng Chemical Co., Ltd. 项目简介 项目简介 Project Introduction Project Introduction 致 辞 Address 感谢每一位关注和支持天成万丰的海内外朋友,正是因为您们的理解、信任和 支持,使天成万丰自立项审批、开工建设到现在不断成长、发展和壮大,在全球经 济持续低迷的严峻形势下,审时度势、把握机遇,高瞻远瞩、逆势而上,被兖州市委、 市政府列为2013 年的一号工程和重点项目。 Thanks every friend who concerns and supports Tiancheng wanfeng both at home and abroad. Because of your understanding, trust and support, Tiancheng wanfeng has been continuously growing, developing and expanding since project approval and construction until now. Under the severe circumstance of global economy continuous recession, Tiancheng wanfeng assesses the situation, seizes opportunities, takes a broad and long-term view and bucks up and ranks as the first and key project in 2013 by Yanzhou municipal committee and government. 我们肩负着振兴民族工业、繁荣地方经济的重任,一步一个脚印走来,坚持“诚 信、廉洁、务实、高效”的企业核心价值观,秉承“以人为本、诚实守信、和谐发展” 的经营理念,致力于建设“低碳经济、循环产业、绿色环保、节能高效”的精细化 工产业典范。 We shoulder the task of revitalizing national industries and booming local economy. We walk step by step, insisting on corporate core values of honesty, integrity, pragmaticism and high efficiency and adhering to business philosophy of people-orientation, honesty and trustworthiness and harmonious development to commit ourselves to constructing fine chemical industrial model of low-carbon economy, recycling industry, environmental protection and energy efficiency. 天成万丰始终心怀感恩,为打造“绿色、环保、节能、高效”的循环经济产业 勤耕不辍。 Tiancheng wanfeng is always grateful and never stops hard working for creating circular economy industry of green, environmental protection, energy saving and high efficiency. 我们愿与有志合


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