西方文明史 圣玛利亚大教堂.ppt

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西方文明史 圣玛利亚大教堂

Santa Maria Maggiore St. Marys cathedral is located in the western of trier. Trier was built about 15 years BC (another data for 16 years BC) the reign of augustus. It is located in the intersection of strategic. Therefore, in ancient times it was used as a military centres. The ruler of the Roman empire put here as a stronghold against nomads. The 2nd century, the 6500 meters walls and 47 forts was built. 3rd century AD, the Roman emperor diocletian (284 ~ 305) use it as a palace and the capital of the Roman empire in the west region. So there is north of Rome and the second Rome of reputation. Starting from this period, the trier successively built many historic buildings. Historical evolution Historical evolution From the beginning of twelfth Century, Trier experienced a long period of prosperity. Until nineteenth Century fall down. Trier had a short time control in the hands of the French, 1815 became part of the kingdom of Prussia Roman times occupies a particularly important political status of Trier, culture showing a faction flourishing, thriving landscape. 1984 Trier celebrated its 2000 anniversary of the city. Historical evolution After 2000 years of wind and rain baptism, until today. Its magnificent architecture and sculpture of a large and small museum collection Architectural style The building here has a strong Rome style, very simple and elegant atmosphere. These churches have a strong religious color Thanks for your attention


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