
毫米波辐照大鼠皮肤损伤效应研究 - 第三军医大学学报.doc

毫米波辐照大鼠皮肤损伤效应研究 - 第三军医大学学报.doc

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毫米波辐照大鼠皮肤损伤效应研究 - 第三军医大学学报

毫米波辐照对大鼠局部皮肤P物质和组织形态学的影响 张彦文姚权余争平张广斌400038重庆第三军医大学预防医学院劳动卫生学教研室 目的 观察毫米波辐照对SD大鼠局部皮。方法:采用毫米波局部次辐照SD大鼠30 s、1 min、3 min,测量辐照前后局部皮肤温度的变化,在辐照后不同时相点用HE染色观察局部组织学变化,用放射免疫法测定局部皮肤组织中P物质的变化。结果 毫米波辐照大鼠后,皮肤温度显著升高皮肤HE染色可见表皮真皮层不同程度组织学改变,随辐照时间的增加皮肤损伤加重可引起胶原致密化局部变性坏死大鼠局部皮肤中P物质在辐照后5 min和10 min显著升高,1 h后回复至对照组水平。结论毫米波辐照 [关键词] 毫米波;;热效应;皮肤 Effects of acute millimeter wave radiation on substance P and histomorphology in rat skin Zhang Yanwen, Yao Quan, Yu Zhengping, Zhang Guangbin (Department of Occupational Health, College of Military Prevent Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400038, China)Abstract] Objective To observe the effects of acute millimeter wave(MMW) irradiation on substance P and histomorphology in rat skin. Methods The outside skin on SD rat’s back was radiated by 35 GHz MMW (40 W/cm2) for 30s, 1min and 3min respectively. Rat skin temperature was detected before and after irradiation with infrared thermometer. The skin was taken at different timepoints after irradiation for observing histomorphology with HE staining and detecting substance P(SP) level with radioimmunoassay. Results The rat local skin temperature was markedly elevated, and different degrees of tissue rarefaction and congestion and edema were observed in dermal layer of skin after MMW irradiation. And the longer the exposure time was, the more obvious the changes were. Localized dense collagen and necrosis like change in epidermis can be seen eventually. Skin SP level increased significantly at 5 min and 10 min, and it returned to control levels at 1h after MMW irradiation. Conclusions Based on the experiment condition, MMW irradiation could induce the rat skin damage and hyperalgesia, and the effects may be related with markedly elevated skin temperature(thermal effect) and release of SP. [Key words] millimeter wave;substance P;thermal effect;skin Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China(CSTC2008BB5116).Corresponding author:Zhang Yanwen,Tel: 86-23E-mail: zhang


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