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;;Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of peoples minds. A culture is a particular society or civilization, especially considered in relation to its beliefs, way of life, or art. The culture of a particular organization or group consists of the habits of the people in it and the way they generally behave. ;;;Opinion/意见 ;Way of Life/生活方式 ;Punctuality/准时 ;Contacts/人际关系 ;Anger/对待愤怒 ;Queue when Waiting/排队 ;Sundays on the Road/周日的街景 ;Party/聚会 ;In the restaurant/在餐厅 ;Traveling/旅游 ;Handling of Problems/处理问题 ;Three meals a day/三餐 ;Whats Trendy/时尚 ;Transportation/交通工具 ;Elderly in day to day life/老人的日常生活 ;The child/孩子 ;oneself/自我 ;The Boss/领导 ;Moods and Weather/心情与天气 ;;;In the US, children are more independent They know what to be at an early age And plan carefully to achieve the goals;;In china There’re usually many rules To tie down students , Such as wearing uniform ;Ability → Activity → Creativity → ;When we’re buried In the ocean of paper To pass the collage entrance exam ;●Sitting straightly ●Listening quietly ●Taking notes quickly;Eating ;Chinese Tableware;Western Tableware;Chinese cooking methods mainly have boil, steam, stew, fry, braise, etc. ;Western cooking methods mainly have bake, roast, fry, etc. But western people prefer to have fast food.;Americans meal commandment serve six 美国人用餐的戒条六条;


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