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摘要 近年来,外卖以一种新的形式——网络订餐在大学生群体中迅速兴起,且随着 社会经济的发展,大学生对生活饮食的要求也随之提高。本次调查大伟学生外卖的现状,从个人,食堂,外卖平台三个方面对其影响因素展开调查。考虑到外卖是个新型行业,故调查着重研究了外卖平台对大学生的影响程度。通过发放问卷的方式,了解三个方面的具体变量对大学生叫外卖的影响程度。并成功回收了314份有效问卷。 通过对调查结果的解读,本报告得出以下结论:(1)大学生大多数选择就餐的方式为食堂,少数为外卖等其他方式;(2)选择食堂的原因的是食堂离寝室较近,且食堂的饭菜便宜好吃。但食堂的不足是菜品单一,口味差;(3)外卖已经被每个大学生所熟知,且订外卖的主要原因是懒得出去,天气原因等;(4) 外卖有以下特点:以米食为主,时间段基本为中午,味道对大学生尤为吸引,大学生所能承担的价格为11~15元之间。 针对调查结论给出了一些建议:(1)食堂应开辟外送服务新渠道,并且重视这一项目,努力做好外卖的味道和送货速度,并且把外送的价格与堂食价格控制在可接受范围,且推出一些新的菜品。(2)外卖平台要走品牌发展路线。打造出一个校园外卖品牌,以便占领市场。且可以以食堂为跟随对象,根据饭堂的一些漏洞,有针对性推出相应的产品及服务,抢占顾客。最后外卖平台要注重品质,注重细节,注重特色。这三个注重可作为外外卖平台展的核心理念,是打造品牌成败的关键。(3)大学生要合理就餐,注重餐饮卫生质量。 关键词:大学生 外卖平台 食堂 Abstract In recent years, take out in a new form of network ordering the rapid rise in college students, and with thebrThe development of social economy, college students on the life of the requirements of the diet also increased. The investigation of the present situation of students, David takeaway from the individual, the canteen, the three aspects of the factors affecting the platform takeaway investigation. Taking into account the takeaway is a new industry, so the investigation focuses on the impact of the takeaway platform for college students. Through the issuance of the questionnaire, the three aspects of the specific variables to understand the impact of the degree of ordering College students. And successfully recovered 314 valid questionnaires.brThrough the interpretation of the survey results, this report draws the following conclusions: (1) the majority of students choose way of eating for a few canteens, and other means of delivery; (2) choose the reason is the canteen canteen near the bedroom, and the canteen food is cheap and delicious. But the canteen is the lack of a single dish, bad taste; (3) has been known for each of the students take out, the main reason is too lazy to go out and take out the weather, etc.; (4) the takeaway has the following characteristics: to eat rice, time is noon, the taste of college studen


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