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第二部 : Mechanics(力學) 第 4 課: Time Displacement 時間和位移 4.1 Time時間 Units 單位 of time Timing devices(計時器) 1. Stop - watch(秒錶) 2. Ticker - tape timer(紙帶打點計時器) Example: A ticker - tape timer operated(操作) at 50 Hz produces(產生) the tapes as shown below. What time does each tape represent(代表) ? 紙帶打點計時器以50 Hz(每秒鍾50點)操作,即點與點的距離代表0.02秒? 上列四點代表多少時間? 速度在增加還是減少? 3. Stroboscopic timing (頻閃計時) Example: The figure below shows a strobe photograph of a runner. How long does he take to rise from the starting position? The strobe frequency of the photograph taken is 10 Hz. 下圖表示運動員起步的頻閃照片,頻閃器頻率是100 Hz. ( 每秒鍾10閃)。 他以多少時間站起? Distance(路程) Displacement(位移) Unit of distance Scalar(無向量) Vector(向量) quantities Scalar is a quantity having magnitude(size)(大小) only. 無向量只有數值,例如 路徑,速率,質量,能量,時間。 e.g. distance, speed, mass, energy, time, temperature. Vector is a quantity having both magnitude direction. 向量則括數值和方向。 例如 位移,速度,加速度,力,動量。 e.g. displacement, velocity, force, acceleration, momentum.. Distance and displacement 路徑(距離)和位移 Distance is total path(路徑) traveled. 路徑是路線的總長度。 Displacement is distance displaced from one position(位置) to another in a specified direction. 位移是位置的變化。(即是點和終點的直線,再加以標明方向。) Example: Thomas walks from town A to town C along the path shown. 湯姆沿以下路徑步行由A 到C。 (a) Distance 路程 AB = the path length traveled = Displacement 位移 AB= [AB直線的長度] - [ AB的方向] = And then, Thomas went to town C 接著他再步行到 C Distance路程 BC = Displacement 位移BC = Distance 路程AC = distance 路程 AB + distance 路程 BC = Displacement 位移AC = [AC直線的長度] - [AC的方向] = Adding displacements(位移的合成) A vector is represented by a straight line and an arrow. The length of the line represents the magnitude of the vector and the arrow gives its direction. 向量可以以箭桿代表,箭桿的長度代表數值,指向代表方向。 Example A car travels 4 km north and then a further 3 km north. 一輛汽車向北


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