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Unit Eight Text I Why Nothing Works 产品为何失效 I. Library Work 1. The Pomo Indians belong to a North American Indian tribe that forms the second largest tribal group in California, U.S.A. The name “Pomo” comes from a suffix that the Pomo people add to many words in their language. The Pomo women’s fine basketry is the artistic triumph of the people. Pomo I. Library Work basketry includes small masterpieces as well as large, colorfully decorated containers, and is considered among the world’s finest. In the summer, Eskimos used two kinds of boats for hunting and travel. 1) The kayak was decked over except for I. Library Work a manhole that accommodated one person. Such craft had frames made of pieces of driftwood bound together. The frames were covered with dehaired sealskins sewn with waterproof stitching. 2) The umiak was a large, open boat made by covering a driftwood frame with split walrus hides or sealskins. II. Organization of the Text 1. Murphy’s Law effect: the shoddy goods problem (Paragraph 1) 2. Cause: human rather than technological (Paragraphs 2 – 5) ① Illustration: artifacts used by simple pre-industrial societies (2) II. Organization of the Text ② The source of quality: social relationship between producer and consumer (3) ③ Contrast: the wide difference in the quality of products made by the producer for himself or his kin and of those made for unknown users (4 – 5) III. Key Points of the Text Paragraph 1 attribute to: regard something as belonging to, caused by or produced by 认为某事物属于某人,认为某事物由某人引起或产生 E.g.: This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare. 这个剧本通常认为是莎士比亚作的。 Paragraph 1 savant: a person having great knowledge of some subject 专家,学者,博学之士 corollary: an idea, an argument, or a fact that naturally follows something else 必然的结果,自然的结果 Paragraph 1 E.g.: Neither of them knew about it, and the corollary of that is that someone else revealed the secret. 他们两人并不知道这回事,因此一定是另外有人泄露了秘密。 Corollaries to Murphy’s Law suggest themselves as clues to the sh


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