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40 3 V ol. 40, No. 3 2001 9 GEOPHY SICAL PR OSPECT IN G FO R PET ROL EU M Sept. 2001 孙成禹 石油大学资源系, 东营257061) . . , 200 1, 40 3) : 1~ 7 , , ; , , , , , , Sun Chengyu . Reflectance signatures of transitional layer and its tuning effects to the amplitudes of pulsating waves. GPP, 2001,40( 3) :1~ 7 A STRACT Based on the theor y of elastodynamics, this paper presents a detailed discussion about t he reflection responses of a transit ional lay er w ith linearly varied velocity and its f ilt ering properties un- der t he assumption that the plane w aves are nor mally incident into the layer. T he characteristics of am- plitude- frequency and phase- fr equency under different thickness of the layer are illustrated w ith numerical ex amples. Numer ical examples show that for pulsating w aves w ith certain dominant frequency, w hen t hey ar e incident at interf aces betw een homogeneous lay er to tr ansit ional layer and transitional layer to homogeneous layer, r eflection amplitude w ill increase sig nif icantly if transitional lay er is w ith certain t hickness. T hat is r ef erred to as amplitude tuning effect . Due to the g ood coincidence r elatio n betw een t he tw o, this phenomenon can be used to g uide seismic interpr etation . Key words: elastic w aves, transitional layer, inhomo geneous media, reflection , tuning, f iltering 引言 , , , , , , Sun Chengyu , Department of Science of Oil Gas Resources, U niversity of Petroleum , Dong ying 267061 2000 9 2 1 , 11 15 2 40 , , , , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , 1 过渡层中的单频平面波表达式 1 ,



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