明十三陵 旅游英语.ppt

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明十三陵 旅游英语

明清皇家陵寝--明十三陵 The Ming Tombs 明十三陵 The Ming Tombs are located in Changping District(昌平区), about 50 kilometers on the northwest of Beijing. Construction of the tombs started in 1409 and ended with the fall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644. In over 200 years tombs were built over an area of 40 square kilometres, Each tomb is linked with the other tombs by a road called the Sacred Way.    The Sacred Way inside the gate of the Ming Tomb is lined with 18 pairs of stone human figures and animals. The Ming Dynasty started from 1368 to 1644, lasting 276 years. Altogether 16 emperors ruled in the Ming Dynasty. But why only 13 emperors were buried in Beijing Ming Dynasty Tombs area? . The first Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was buried in Xiaoling(孝陵) of Nanjing. The second emperor had no tomb. The seventh emperor Jing Tai(景帝朱祁钰(1428-1457)年号“景泰”) was buried at Jinshan Mountain(景山) in the western suburbs(郊区) of Beijing. 长陵Changling * * Wang Ze 王 泽 明朝皇陵 孝陵 明太祖 显陵 成祖(长陵) 仁宗(献陵) 宣宗(景陵) 英宗(裕陵) 宪宗(茂陵) 孝宗(泰陵) 武宗(康陵) 世宗(永陵) 穆宗(昭陵) 光宗(庆陵) 熹宗(德陵) 思宗(思陵) 恭睿献皇帝 十三陵 神宗(定陵) * *


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