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1st The single rapier is invariably rigid, but, when two rapiers are used, they may be rigid or flexible. 单剑杆织机使用的剑杆必须是刚性的。在采用双剑杆时,剑杆可以是刚性的,也可以是挠性的。 The double-rapier system is accepted as existing when two rapiers enter the shed from the opposite sides. 双剑杆系统在应用时由两只剑杆从织机的两侧进入梭口。 This is distinct from a twin-rapier system, which gains better recognition as two rapiers moving together from the same driving source, as is necessary in face-to-face weaving. 这与双层剑杆是不同的,双层剑杆的两只剑杆由一个驱动机构驱动,用于织造面对面双层织物,已得到更广泛的承认。 2nd When a rigid rapier is used, the space required by the loom must be at least double that of the reed space to allow the rapier to be withdrawn from the shed. 在使用刚性单剑杆时,织机的占地至少应为筘幅宽的两倍,以便使剑杆从梭口中退出。 This is a very apparent space waste with the single rapier loom, but it is less obvious with the double rapiers, especially when the reed space is relatively small. 这对于单剑杆织机来说,有明显的占地浪费现象,但对于双剑杆织机,特别是筘幅相对较窄时,占地的浪费并不明显。 For example, the space required from a loom having a reed space of 130cm may be no greater than that needed for a conventional shuttle loom of similar width. 例如一个筘幅为130厘米的剑杆织机的占地,可能不会比一台类似筘幅的常规织机占地更多。 This is because the latter type of loom requires space for the shuttle boxes outside the normal weaving width. Rapier looms are usually wider than this, and thus flexible rapiers must receive preference if space is at a premium. 这是因为常规有梭织机在正常的织机宽度外,梭箱还要占据空间,在这种情况下,剑杆织机的机宽要稍大于有梭织机。因此,在占地是重要因素时,应该首选挠性剑杆。 3rd Looms that use rigid rapiers eliminate entirely the need to assist the rapier head through the warp shed. 织机在使用刚性剑杆时完全没有必要引导剑杆头穿越梭口,这与一些挠性剑杆织机相比,毫无疑问是个优势。 This is an undoubted advantage compared with several flexible rapier looms, which use a rapier head specially shaped on its underside so that it will be directed along the correct flight path by guides in the sley. 在这种剑杆织机上,剑杆头的下部采用特殊的形状,使之沿筘座上的导路准确地行进。 4th Not all flexible rapiers require guides mounted in the sley. More and more rapier loom makers are directing the flexible rapier band through a


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