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Preliminary Orientation Subjects Objectives Historical evolution of British nation Dialetic relation between History and Literature Typical literary works Get acquainted with the hisotry, i.e. Wise Up! Enjoy beautiful literary works! Get a good grade—for you’re gonna need that! The Squatting Puppy Why Hisotry? ?στορ?α – historia: inquiry; knowledge acquired by investigation —Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum What History? His + Story aka dead white men talking “BLABLABLA) ) ) ) )))” —What about herstory? Theirstoty? And most of all, Mystory? 2 DWM Herodotus (484-425 BC) Thucydides (460-395 BC) Literature, the Etymology Litterae: acquaintance with letters; art of written works. body of all written works; collected creative writing of a nation, people, group, or culture. written works, esp. those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit. Literature, the Methodology Literature: written record of observations, taste, setiments, and other psychic and epistemic functions. Key Words: Psyche Episteme Literature, the Methodology Welfare of Existence: -Where do we come from? -Who are we? -Where are we going? Welfare Virtue Beauty Aesthetics Literature, the Methodology Γν?θι Σεαυτ?ν Gnothi Seauton Know Thyself Our Journey Embarks! I’m not a teacher: only a fellow-traveller of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead—ahead of myself as well as you. —George Bernard Shaw Good Luck! * * * * * * [History of British Literature] [Yang Fan] * * * * * * *


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