英语人教版必修四 unit 3 A taste of english humour 全单元课件.ppt

英语人教版必修四 unit 3 A taste of english humour 全单元课件.ppt

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英语人教版必修四 unit 3 A taste of english humour 全单元课件

基础过关 Ⅰ.根据提示写单词 1. I have never seen a _________(醉汉) wandering in the street. 2. The film directed by Feng Xiaogang seems very _________. (逗人笑的) 3. She passed on a _______(一大笔) fortune to her son. Ⅱ. 翻译短语 1. 对……作出反应 ___________________ 2. 杂乱,陷入困境____________________ 3. 耳语地 __________________ 4. 令某人感到好笑的是______________________ drunk amusing vast react to in a mess in a whisper to one’s amusement A taste of English Humor Book 4 Unit 3 clown Don’t use words, but use their clothes, make-up, the way they walk to make people laugh. Mime Silent movie Sketch a short humorous piece of acting 幽默短剧、小品 Cross talk Two speakers make jokes and funny conversations. 相声 Jokes POLICEMAN: Why did you have to break into the same shop three times? THIEF: Well, I stole a dress from that shop but my wife didn’t like it. So I had to go back and change it twice. What is the punchline? punch 用拳猛击 Comedy dramatic works that have happy endings 喜剧 Types of humour nonverbal verbal Clown Mime Jokes Comedy Cross talk Sketch … … Using language – English jokes play on words amuse explanation pancake 文字游戏,咬文嚼字 a+muse 使发笑,愉快 -tion后缀, v.变 n. pan(平底锅) +cake(糕饼) = 烙饼,煎饼 Short funny stories detective mountainous whisper vast -tive后缀, detect (v.): 查明,发现,察觉 mountain + ous n. 变adj. 多山的 耳语,轻声说 extremely large 巨大的,广阔的 vastness (n. ) Music Hall 指的是以演出杂耍节目为主的剧场 Music hall performers Complete the notes Born: _____________________________ Job: ______________________________ Famous character:___________________ Costume: __________________________ __________________________________ Types of acting: _____________________ Died: _____________________________ 1889 actor Little tramp large trousers, worn-out shoes, small round black hat, a walking stick mime 1977 A Master of Nonverbal Humour As Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. He brightened the lives of Americans and Br


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