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Golden age金色年华 “Miss America”he would sing. I knew I had my father’s love. It gave me courage to do anything. From him I learned to stand up tall, to be proud of who I am. Strength and determination were the qualities of this fine man. As it drew towards the end of life, that strength kept him alive, and the unfailing determination to take care of my mother. Day and night he struggled for years with her disease. With illnesses of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her untill the day she died. Twenty days later his time came as well. I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend. A few years have passed, and life just isn’t the same. But I till remember, and the love will never end. Discover myself 有时候,我们的一点改变可能就是来源于我们身边那些并不干起眼的事物。 It was just a week before my final exams when my dad gave me a DVD as a fight, which completely changed my life. On that day, I had a fight with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was in no mood to watch a film, but still I opened it and read its title: The Secret. However, I just glanced at the cover for a few seconds and kept it in my cupboard.\ I sat down to study, but instead, I started thinking about the problems in my life--the fight, the sleepless nights and my health......Everything came to my mind. I wanted an answer to all these problems, but wondered if there was any answer. It was at that moment that my eyes suddenly noticed that DVD, and something told me: this is an answer to all your problems! I became so interested in it; I have no words to describe the feeling of happiness that I experienced while watching it. The unbelievable stories of human beings I won’t forget any of them. From that day on I started reconsidering my goals and focused on what I really wanted. Now I have started getting better grades; the relationship with my friends is outstanding; I’m in better health. And people often tell my, “Wow! What a perfect life you have!” Thanks to The Secret, which helpe


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