跨文化交际Nonverbal language time space.ppt

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Elements of Nonverbal Communication; ;In today’s class, we will…;Case study ;One of my worst episodes was going to a post office and being very angry at the people around me because I perceived them as not knowing how to properly behave in a public place: they did not form in a waiting line but seemed to be packed in front of the teller, and they were also very close to each other without respecting the personal space that I had been accustomed to while living in the United States.;I. Space;Proxemics;;Zones of Space ;Northern American Zones of Space;;Culture Space;Space affects human communication in many other ways.;;;;paradox;Religious values may affect spatial arrangements.;Architecture Space; Different Housing Styles;Touch Culture vs. Non-touch Culture;Touching times recorded in an hour;;Would you talk to strangers in a crowded elevator? What’s your opinion about crowding? Would you like to stay alone? ;Territoriality;Cultural influence on territoriality can be best illustrated from the following two aspects: ;Crowding — how people feel when their personal space is limited ;;Causes;Privacy;Western View of Privacy;Japanese View of Privacy;II. Time;Chronemics ;a.???Time is cyclical (循环的) b.??? Time is linear (线性的) ;M-time is noted for its emphasis on schedules, segmentation and promptness. P-time is less rigid and clock-bound. ;;;;Case Study;Past-oriented cultures emphasize tradition and history discourage change and innovation China, Saudi Arabia;Present-oriented cultures consider the present as the only precious moment “Seize the day!” Mexico, the Bahamas ;Future-oriented cultures emphasize planning in order to achieve goals encourage change and innovation U.S.;Self-check List


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