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《拾穗者》The Gleaners是法国画家米勒在1857年创作的著名油画,画面描绘了描写农村秋季收获后,人们从地里拣拾剩余麦穗的情景,是现实主义美术风格的典型代表作。该画现珍藏于巴黎奥赛博物馆内。 A real and beautiful picture. It describes the most common situation in rural life, conveying the painters deep sympathy for the hard life of the farmers and the special love for rural life. table for ladies---Edward Hopper (American, 1882–1967) Hopper indirectly comments on the loneliness and weariness that so many city dwellers experience. it represents the new roles that women were occupying in public; both the cashier and the waitress The title also alludes to a recent social innovation, in which dining establishments advertised tables for ladies in order to welcome their newly mobile female customers. Chinese painting does not imitate objective reality no specific light source nature dominates human structures an idealized view of a general scene that makes the viewer feel peaceful and happy American painting imitate objective reality light is shown scientifically the man-made environment is shown details make it seem real even if the artist invented it 中国画尚意,西方绘画则尚形,中国画重表现,重情感,西方绘画重再现,重理性,中国画不受空间和时间的局限,西方绘画则严格遵守空间和时间的界限,总之,西方绘画重再现与写实,同中国绘画的重表现与写意,形成鲜明对比。 4) through mass media Books, magazines and newspapers, radio, television and cinema, records, tapes and videos: these and other forms of mass communication occupy a central role in our lives. traditional media vs modern media 3. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. A culture must ensure that its crucial messages and elements are passed on in order to exist and endure. culture and communication are linked. Keesing: Any break in the learning chain would lead to a cultures disappearance., emphasizing the strong need for a culture to bind each generation to past and future generations. 民间艺术、技术的失传, 女书 e.g. Americans: look forward, competition is valuable, value youth China: look to the past for guidance and strength 养儿防老 Mexicans and Native Americans: coopera


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