跨文化交际Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication 2.ppt

跨文化交际Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication 2.ppt

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跨文化交际Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication 2

3. Daily verbal communication (II) Objectives To know the differences in compliments and compliment responses To know the social functions of compliments To know the different expressions of gratitude and apology in English and Chinese 中美文化主要差异一览表 主客两分是西方文化的特色;主客混沌或天人合一是中国文化的特色。就整体世界观而言,西方哲学侧重“天人之别”,中国哲学侧重“天人合一”。了解西方文化,开拓了我的视野,这对于成为一个“融会中西”的人,是必不可少的文化熏陶。(李开复 《世界因你不同》) Cultural assumptions “One’s sugar may be another one’s poison”. How do think of this saying? What is “assumption”? What is “cultural assumption”? Cultural assumption of similarities VS Cultural assumption of differences Sufficient similarities? Overlook the differences!!! People in different lands hold different attitudes, opinions, values, beliefs, customs… Think about it How often do you compliment the others? How do you feel when you are complimented? How do Chinese/English speakers respond to compliments? Why do people compliment? Can compliments bring people everywhere? Compliments “你看起来很漂亮,年轻了。” “什么呀,别拿我开玩笑了。” “菜做得很好吃。” “过奖,过奖,做得不好。” “你今天可真漂亮,这衣服真好看。” “谢谢。这衣服我穿了好长时间了。” Compliments “You can speak very good French.” “Thank you.” “Its a wonderful dish!” “I am glad you like it.” P55 Differences between Oriental and Western compliments Oriental: compliment less than Westerners do; Chinese people are cautious about drawing a line between compliment and flattery. “Indirect” culture VS “direct” culture Linguistic features More Chinese compliments begin with “you” or “your”; while English compliments with “I”. More English compliments contain exaggerated adjectives like great, awesome, terrific, gorgeous, fabulous, smart… Differences between Chinese and English compliment responses English speakers tend to accept compliments, at least in form (direct culture); Chinese tend to efface themselves in words. “您夫人年轻时真漂亮!” “哪里,哪里。” Think about it How do we Chinese express our gratitude to small and big favors? To whom do we express our gratitude? For Chinese, appreciation is understood


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