机械性肠梗阻CT 诊断 - 放射学实践.PDF

机械性肠梗阻CT 诊断 - 放射学实践.PDF

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机械性肠梗阻CT 诊断 - 放射学实践

178 2001 5 16 3 Radiol Practice, May 2001, Vol 16, No.3 CT 柳学国 熊大芾 李占军 王颖 = : 总结机械性肠梗阻CT 表现及诊断价值:分析30 例经手 ( 16例) 及临床( 14 例) 证实的肠梗阻 CT 及临床资料, 比较腹部平片与CT 对肠梗阻存在定位病因有否绞窄以及治疗方法选择的价值: CT 证实肠梗阻 存在 100% , 平片约70% ; 病因诊断准确性CT 为96% , 平片 13% ; CT 能对肠肿瘤及时发现并分期(9 例) , 及早诊断肠绞窄 (2例) 及发现肠外肿块(4 例) , 有助于及早选择外科治疗结核局限炎症肠套叠等首选保守治疗常规CT 检查发现肠 管异常扩张应扩大扫描范围, 往往能发现引起肠梗阻的病因( 本组因此偶然发现肠肿瘤 3例) : 肠梗阻或疑有肠梗 阻的病人在平片B 超诊断信息不足时尽早CT 检查对于明确病因治疗选择及改善预后有较大意义 = 肠梗阻 体层摄影 , X 线计算机 = R816. 5, R814. 42 = A = 1000-0313( 2001) 03-0178-04 CT diagnosis of intestinal obstruction Liu Xueguo, Xio g Dafu, Li Zha ju , et al. Departme t of Medical Imagi g, Zhuhai Medical Ce ter, Gua gdo g 519000 = Abstract Objective:To a alyze the CT features of i testi al obstructio a d its diag ostic value.Methods: CT features a d cli- ical data of 30 cases of i testi al obstructio co firmed by surgical fi di gs ( 16 cases) a d cli ical followup( 14 cases) were a alyzed.The diag ostic value was compared betwee CT a d plai film o the existe ce, locatio , cause, stra gulatio of i testi al obstructio a d the value o choice of appropriate treatme t. Results:The existe ce of i testi al obstructio was diag osed i 100% o CT sca s, a d 70% o plai film.The diag ostic accuracy of the cause of i testi al obstructio was 96% o CT a d 13% o plai film. I testi al carci oma was diag osed a d staged by CT i 9 cases, a d CT also showed stra gulatio ( = 2) , extralumi al masses ( = 4) a d her iatio ( = 2) . These were helpful for decidi g earlier operatio .Tuberculosis ( = 3) , local i flammatio ( = 2) a d i tussusceptio ( = 1) were recom- me ded to take o operative treatme t. 3 cases of i testi al carci oma were detected by exte di g sca i g areas,whe ab ormal dilatatio of i testi e fou d o routi e CT sca . Conclusion:Patie ts with i testi al obstructio or sus


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