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烟草科技/ Tobacco Science Technology 烟草工艺/ Manufacturing Technology 2013 年第7 期(总第312 期) 造纸法再造烟叶基片干燥过程中的热分析 1 *1 1 1 2 刘 攀 ,贺 磊 ,欧阳春 ,吴立群 ,严新龙 1. 中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司研发中心,上海市青浦区徐泾镇泗沙路165号 201702 2. 上海烟草集团太仓海烟烟草再造烟叶有限公司,江苏太仓港港口开发区东方路19号 215433 摘要:为解决造纸法再造烟叶基片湿片在干燥过程中强度较低的问题,采用热重分析仪和动态热机械分 析仪对木浆、烟梗、碎叶、碎末4 种单一原料湿片及再造烟叶基片湿片进行了分析。结果表明:①5 种原料 湿片干燥脱水速度的快慢顺序依次为烟梗湿片>木浆湿片>碎末湿片>碎叶湿片>再造烟叶基片湿片; ②在5 ℃/min 的升温速率下,木浆湿片的储存模量及损耗模量的峰值远高于再造烟叶原料湿片。木浆的 添加有助于提高再造烟叶基片湿片的内结合力,并提高再造烟草基片的力学性能。 关键词:造纸法再造烟叶;木浆;热重分析(TG );动态热机械分析(DMA) ;储存模量;损耗模量 中图分类号:TS452.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-0861 (2013 )07-0012-04 Thermal Analysis on Base-sheet of Paper-making Process Reconstituted Tobacco in Drying Process 1 * 1 1 1 2 LIU Pan ,HE Lei ,OUYANG Chun ,WU Liqun ,and YAN Xinlong 1. China Haisum Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 201702 ,China 2. Taicang Haiyan Reconstituted Tobacco Ltd of Shanghai Tobacco Group ,Taicang 215433 ,Jiangsu ,China Abstract: In order to investigate the reasons for low strength of wet base-sheet of paper-making process reconstituted tobacco in drying process ,the thermogravimetric properties of wet state wood pulp ,tobacco stem , scraps ,tobacco dust and base-sheet were analyzed by Thermogravimetry Analysis (TGA) and Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMA). The results showed that: 1) According to TGA ,the order of dehydration rate were wet tobacco stem >wet wood pulp >wet tobacco dust >wet scraps >wet base-sheet ;2) According to DMA ,the peak values of storage modulus and loss modulus of wet wood pulp sheet were far higher than those of the other materials at the heating rate of 5 ℃/min ,which indicated that the addition of wood pulp could improve the inner combining power and mechanical property of base-sheet of reconstituted tobacco. Keywords: Paper-making process reconstituted tobacco ;Wood pulp ;Thermogra



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