赤潮异弯藻在铁限制条件下的光谱特性 - 应用生态学报.pdf

赤潮异弯藻在铁限制条件下的光谱特性 - 应用生态学报.pdf

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赤潮异弯藻在铁限制条件下的光谱特性 - 应用生态学报

2003 7 14 7 CHIN ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL IED ECOLO GY, Jul. 200 3, 14( 7)∃118 1~ 1184 * 1 1* * 1 2 1 李东侠 丛 威 蔡昭铃 施定基 欧阳藩 ( 1 , 1000 80 ; 2 , 100093) , c , 632 nm 2 nm . a , 4 80 nm . 6 85 nm , ( 10 mol!L - 1) , ( 5 nmol!L - 1) ( 100 nmol!L - 1) 685 nm 2 1. 4 . 48 h , , . 100 1- 9332( 200 3) 07 - 1181- 04 Q178. 53 A 1 1 Spectroscopic properties of Het eros igma akashiwo under iron limitation. L I Dong x a , CON G We , CA I 1 2 1 1 Zhaol ng , SHI D ngj , OU YAN G Fan ( N at ional L aboratory of Biochem ical E ng ineering , I nstit ute of Pr o cess E ng ineer ing , Chinese A cademy of Sc iences, B eij ing 1000 80, China; 2 I nst it ute of B otany , Ch inese A cade my of Sciences, B eij ing 100093, China) Chin J A p p l Ecol . , 2003, 14( 7) : 1181~ 1184 . Roomtemperature absorpt on spectr a of H ak ashiw o cells under ron l m tat on show ed a chlorophyll c absorp t on peak at 630 nm , 2 nm bluesh fted from ts normal pos t on of 632 nm . Mo reov er , because of the ncrease n the relat v e caroteno d abundance compar ed to Chl a, there w as an ex tra shoulder peak at 480 nm for t he ro n l m ted cells. T he r fluorescence spectra ( 77 K ) have one prom nent chlorophyll em ss on peak at 6 85 nm . By co mpar son w t h Fereplete cells ( 10 mol!L- 1) , t he fluorescence y eld fr om 6 85 nm band ncreased by about 2 t mes n Fe deplete cells ( 5 nmol!L- 1) , and abou


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