以自由软体建构WebGIS之研究 - 国立中兴大学实验林管理处.DOC

以自由软体建构WebGIS之研究 - 国立中兴大学实验林管理处.DOC

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以自由软体建构WebGIS之研究 - 国立中兴大学实验林管理处

應用GIS和邏輯思複迴歸於卡氏櫧潛在生育地之推測 羅南璋1 許浩銓2 黃凱易3 卡氏櫧種子為動物的重要食物來源之一,故其在生態體系上具顯著之意義和價值,似更甚於過往所具之經濟價值。大多數研究將地理資訊系統 (Geographic Information System, GIS) 結合統計應用在瀕危珍稀動植物生育地之模擬,反而少有用在廣泛分布的植物上,所以本研究選擇卡氏櫧為探討對象,以瞭解GIS方法的適用性。本研究以GIS與統計整合分析卡氏櫧於海拔、坡度、坡向及坡面位置等四項地文因子之空間分布特性,並評估四因子對其生育地之相對重要性。研究目標係以這四因子建立邏輯思複迴歸 (Logistic Multiple Regression, LMR)、等權、非等權三種模式,用以推測惠蓀林場試區卡氏櫧之潛在生育地,並比較三者的推測準確度與執行效率,從而決定最佳模式。準確度評估結果顯示三者準確度皆在89% 以上,其中LMR 模式最優,非等權居次,而等權殿後。LMR模式的效率遠優於等權和非等權,而後兩者皆耗時費力。若僅就準確度評估結果來看,三模式皆可用在廣泛型分布卡氏櫧後續研究驗,確認可靠性。Castanopsis carlesii Nan-Jang Lo1 How-Chuan Shu2 Kai-Yi Huang3 . Long-leaf chinkapin (Castanopsis carlesii) has its significance and value in the ecological system, and its value in ecology seems more important than its economic value in the past because the seeds of the tree species are one of the important food sources for the animal. Most studies have applied GIS combined with statistical techniques to model the habitat of the endangered rare species of either plants or animals, whereas a limited number of studies have done the same work on the common, widely distributed tree species. Therefore, long-leaf chinkapin was chosen as a target for the study to understand the applicability of the GIS methods. The study examined the spatial distribution characteristics of the species on the four topographic factors, including elevation, slope, aspect, and terrain 1. 國立中興大學 森林學系博士班研究生暨實驗林管處技士 Graduate Student for Ph. D. of Dept. of Forestry and Specialist of Experimental Forest Office, NCHU. 2. 國立中興大學 森林學系 碩士 Master, Department of Forestry, National Chung-Hsing University. 3. 國立中學大學 森林學系 教授 (通訊作者) Professor, Department of Forestry, NCHU. (Corresponding author) position, as well as assessed their relative importance to the chinkapin’s habitat. The research objective was to build logistic multiple regression (LMR) model, equal weight model, and unequal weight model for predicting th



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