一种基于交叉证认技术的自适应小波变换及其在削减GPS - PolyU IRA.PDF

一种基于交叉证认技术的自适应小波变换及其在削减GPS - PolyU IRA.PDF

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一种基于交叉证认技术的自适应小波变换及其在削减GPS - PolyU IRA

36 3 Vol. 36, No. 3 2007 8 ACTA GEODAETICA et CARTOGRAPHICA SINICA Aug, 2007 : 100115 5(2007) 03027 07 : P228.4 :A GPS 1 1 2 1 3 钟 萍, 丁晓利 , 郑大伟, 陈 武 , 黄 丁发 ( 1. , ; 2. , 200030; 3. , 610031) An Adaptive Wavelet Transform Based on Crossvalidation and Its Application to Mitigate GPS Multipath Effects 1 1 2 1 3 ZHONG Ping , DING Xiaoli , ZHENG Daw ei , CHEN Wu , HUANG Dingfa (1. Department of Land Surveying and GeoInf ormatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic niversity,H ong Kong, China; 2. Centerf or As trogeodynamics Research, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200030, China; 3. Department of Surveying and Mapping, Southwest Jiaotong niversity, Chengdu 610031, China) Abstract: GPS multipath disturbance is a bottleneck problem that limits accuracy of Global Positioning System ( GPS) positioning. A method based on the technique of crossvalidation to automatically identify wavelet signal lay ers is developed for separating noise from signals in data series, and applied to mitigate GPS multipath effects. Ex periments w ith both simulated data series and real GPS observat ions show that the method is a pow erful signal de composer, which can successfully separate noise from signals as long as the noise level is lower than about half of the magnitude of the signals. A multipath correction model can be derived wit h the proposed method and t he sidereal daytoday repeating property of GPS mult ipath signals can be used to remove multipath effects in subsequent days of GPS observations, and therefore improve t


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