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N at P rod R es D ev 2007, 19: 1040-1043, 1023 : 1001-6880( 2007) 04-1040-05 * 王志远, 李清彪 , 杨翠娴, 邵文尧, 何 宁, 王远鹏, 孙道华 , 361005 : 70% ( v/v),( Prussian blue) , FRAP: ; : ; ; ;; : Q946. 91 : A PolyphenolContents in EightFruits and TheirAntioxidantActivities * WANG Zh-iyuan, L IQ ing-biao , YANG ui-xian, SHAO W en-yao, HE N ing,WANG Yuan-peng, SUN Dao-hua D ep ar tm ent of Ch em ica l and B ioch em ica l E ng ineering, Colleg e of Chem istry and Ch em ica l E ng ineering, K ey L a bf or Ch em ica l B io logy of F u ia n P rov ince, X iam en Un iv ersity, X iam en 3 61005, Ch ina Abstract: The contents ofpolyphenolsof pee,l pulp and seed fractions of apple, pomegranate, olive, mango, banana, pine- apple, grape and longan and their total antioxidant activitiesw ere studied. A fter ultrasound-assisted extraction w ith 70% aqueous acetone at room temperature, polyphenols and tannins in the plant cellsw ere separated and their contentsw ere determined by Prussian blue assay. Antioxidant activities of the aqueous acetone extracts were evaluated by Ferric Re- ducing/AntioxidantPow er (FRAP) assay. A positive linear correlation between antiox idant activities and phenolic con- tentsw as observed. The results show ed that the fruit peeland seeds ofpomegranate,



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