二氧化碳超临界流体萃取洛神花多酚之可行性评估 - ctuedutw.pdf

二氧化碳超临界流体萃取洛神花多酚之可行性评估 - ctuedutw.pdf

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二氧化碳超临界流体萃取洛神花多酚之可行性评估 - ctuedutw

2010年美容科學研討會 二氧化碳超臨界流體萃取洛神花多酚之可行性評估 1* 2 3 4 高而仕 , 周波 , 卓玠宏 ,郭鴻耀 1. 建國科技大學美容系 2. 建國科技大學機械工程系 3. 建國科技大學製造科技所 4.彰化師範大學工業教育與技術學系 摘要 洛神花含有豐富的花青素、黃酮素、多酚,可以養顏美容,有抗發炎,維護肝臟 健康的作用。超臨界流體萃取技術 (Supercritical fluid extraction, SFE)可以有效率的分離 與純化食品藥材等天然植物中有效成分。本研究探討使用超臨界二氧化碳流體萃取法 (Supercritical carbon dioxide, SC-CO2 )及使用 95℃熱水傳統方法與 50 % 乙醇萃取法等 進行提取洛神花的多酚(Polyphenols)成份,並比較 3 種萃取法提取多酚成份技術的優 劣。本實驗發現,乙醇及水溶液中多酚類提取成分比超臨界二氧化碳要來的高,其影 響因素在於溫度或者是極性的高低,而在超臨界二氧化碳萃取法中所提取出的雜質含 量較少且單純,故比較適合拿來做分離提純用。 關鍵字 :二氧化碳超臨界流體、洛神花、多酚、抗氧化、美容 Abstract Roselle rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids, polyphenols, can beautify the skin, have anti-inflammatory, to maintain healthy liver function. Supercritical fluid extraction, SFE can be efficient separation and purification of food ingredients such as natural plant active ingredients. This study investigated the use of carbon dioxide supercritical carbon dioxide extraction parameters, (SC-CO2)and 95 ℃ hot water using traditional methods with 50% ethanol for extraction of roselle of polyphenols content, and compare the three kinds of polyphenol ingredient extracted technology advantages and disadvantages. In this study, the composition of polyphenols in aqueous extractives and ethanol extractives is higher than supercritical carbon dioxide extractives, owing to their high potential factor, low temperature, and high polarity. Supercritical carbon dioxide is appropriate used to provide high purity and more selective extraction methodological deveplomnt. Keywords: Carbon dioxide supercritical fluid, roselle, polyphenol, ant



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