扩展蛋白与果实衰老的关系 - 水土保持研究.pdf

扩展蛋白与果实衰老的关系 - 水土保持研究.pdf

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扩展蛋白与果实衰老的关系 - 水土保持研究

12 3 . 12 . 3 Vo l N o 2005 6 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation Jun . , 2005 夏敦岭, 任小林 ( , 12 100) : ( ex pansins) , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : S 60 1: A : 1005-3409( 2005) 0 3-00 0-04 A Role f or Expansi ns in Frui t Sof ting and Mealiness X IA Dun-ling , REN Xiao-lin ( , - , , 12100, ) D ep artment of H or t icult ur e N or thw est Sc i tech Univ ers ity of A g r ic ult ur e and F or estry Yang ling Shaanx i Ch ina Abstract: Expansins is a special g r oup pr oteins o f plant cell w all disco ver ed in recent y ears . T heir basic actio n is r elax ing the stress o f the ma trix to lo ose the cell w a ll . T hey a lso play an impor tant r o le in fr uit g ro w ing. T he aut ho r s expo und the character istic, gene f amily , mo del of actio n and physio lo gica l functio n. T he emphasis is the r elat ion o f expansins and fr uit softing and mea liness . : ; ; ; Key words expasins fr uit so fting mealiness 1992 , Daniel Co sg r ove [ 13, 19] Expansins ( ) , , , , , H+ , , [ 14] [ 22] [ 12] [ 4] , , ,


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