计算几何题目推荐(Calculate geometric title recommendations).doc

计算几何题目推荐(Calculate geometric title recommendations).doc

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计算几何题目推荐(Calculate geometric title recommendations)

计算几何题目推荐(Calculate geometric title recommendations) Calculate geometric title recommendations Calculate the characteristics of the geometry and the main points: Most of them wont be difficult 2. To calculate geometric problems, templates are important and templates must be highly reliable. Pay attention to the organization of the code, because its easy to get two hundred lines of code for computational geometry, most of which are templates. If the code is chaotic, it can seriously affect the accuracy of the problem. Focus on precision control. 5. Use an integer where you can use an integer to try to expand the data (double or expand sqrt2). Because integers dont have to worry about floating-point errors, and its faster than floating point. A. Point, line, surface, basic relation, dot product cross product understanding POJ 2318 TOYS (recommended) /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 2318 POJ 2398 Toy Storage (recommended) /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 2398 A rectangle, which is divided into N squares by a number of lines, gives the coordinates of a point, and asks you which point you should be in. Knowledge points: in fact, the judgment in the convex quadrangle, if the property of cross product, can be solved binary. POJ 3304 Segments /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 3304 Knowledge points: the line segment and the line intersect, pay attention to the enumeration of the coincidence point processing POJ 1269 Intersecting Lines /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 1269 Point of knowledge: line intersection judgment, intersection point POJ 1556 The Doors (recommended) /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 1556 Knowledge point: simple graph theory + simple computational geometry, first ask the line segment intersect, then use Dij to ask the most short circuit. POJ 2653 Pick - up sticks /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 2653 Knowledge points: the line segment intersects the judgment POJ 1066 Treasure Hunt /JudgeOnline/problem? Id = 1066 Knowledge points: the line segment intersects the judgment, but must first underst


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