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第7 卷 第3 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol.7 No.3 2007 年6 月 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering Jun.2007 :1671-1637(2007)03-0080-06 1, 2 1 3 张留俊 , 黄晓明, 尹利华 (1. ,  210096;2.,  710068; 3. ,  710064)  :为提高公路软基处理 策的科学性, 分析了公路软基处理知识的不确定性、模糊性和多因 素影响的特点与专家系统的思维方式和基本原理, 将基于可信度表示的不确定性推理引入公路软 基处理专家系统中, 采用产生式规则表示公路软基处理知识, 采用正向推理和逆向推理相结合的混 合推理方法, 进行软土鉴别、路堤稳定与沉降计算方法选择、地基处理方案 策、软土地基处理设计 与施工问题分析。实例分析表明:基于可信度的不确定性推理的应用提高了专家系统的交互化和 智能化程度以及公路软土地基处理设计与施工技术的科学性。 :路基工程;软基处理;专家系统;不确定性推理;可信度;知识库 :416.1   :A Application of uncertainty inference represented by credence in expert system for soft ground improvement of highway 1, 2 1 3 Zhang Liu-jun , Huang Xiao-ming , Yin Li-hua (1.School of Transportation, Southeast niversity, Nanjing 210096, Jiangsu, China; 2.The First Highway Survey and Design Institute of China, Xi an 710068, Shaanxi, China; 3.School of Highway, Chang an niversity, Xian 710064, Shaanxi, China) Abstract:In order to improve the scientificity of highway soft ground improvement, the characters of uncertainty, mistiness and multifactor influence for highway soft ground improvement know ledge were analyzed, uncertainty inference represented by credence was introduced into the expert system for soft ground improvement of highway, the knowledge was expressed by using production rules, and some problems, such as the identification of soft soil, the calculation method choiceof embankment stability and settlement, the decision-making of soft ground improvement scheme, the analysis of problems from soft ground improv


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